A PAPER DELIVERED Into the LORDS House BY THE Earle of ESSEX LORD GENERALL, At the offering up of his COMMISSION:

Published by Authority.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Hewer.


[Page 1] A Paper delivered into the Lords House by the Earle ESSEX, Lord Generall, at the offering up of his Commission.

HAving received this great Charge in obedience to the commands of both Houses, and taken their Sword into my hand, I can [Page 2] with confidence say, that I have for this now (almost) three yeers, faithfully served you, and I hope without losse of my Honour to selfe, or prejudice to the Pub­lique, supported therein by the goodnesse of God, and the fide­lity and courage of a great many gallant men, both Officers and Souldiers. But I will neither trouble you nor my selfe, by re­peating either the difficulties, or danger, we have ouercomed, or the service that I have done you.

I see by the now comming up of these Ordinances, that it is the desire of the House of Commons, that my Commission may be va­cated, and it hath beene no parti­cular respect to my selfe, (what­ever [Page 3] is whispered to the contary) that hath made me thus long omit to declare my readinesse thereto, it being not unknowne to divers men of Honour, that I had resolved it, after the action of Glocester, but that some impor­tunities (pressed on me with ar­guments of publique advantage, and that by those of unquestiona­ble affection) over-ruled me therein; I now doe it, and returne my Commission into those hands that gave it me, wishing it may prove as good an expedient to the present distempers as some will have it believed, which I shall pray for with as hearty a zeale as any can desire my doing this, which I now doe.

[Page 2] I thinke it not immodest that I intreat both Houses, that those Officers of mine, which are now laid by, might have their debenters audited, some considerable part of their arreares payd them, for their support, and the remainder secured them by the Publique-faith; and that those of them that remaine questioned, may be brought to some speedy triall, whereby they may receive ei­ther the punishment or justifica­tion that is due to them; under which notion I remember onely three, of whom I must testifie, that they franckly and couragi­ously have adventured their lives, and lost their blood for the Publique, and that with conti­nued [Page 3] fidelity, for ought ever I could observe.

My Lords, I know that jealou­sies cannot be avoyded, in the un­happy condition of our present affaires, yet wisdome and charity should put such restraints there­unto, as not to allow it, to become destructive. I hope that this ad­vice from me is not unseasona­ble, wishing my selfe and my friends may (amongst others) par­ticipate the benefit thereof, this proceeding from my affection to the Parliament, the prosperity whereof I shall ever wish from my heart, what returne soever it brings me, I being no single ex­ample in that kind, of that for­tune I now undergoe.


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