A LETTER Sent from his Excellency, ROBERT Earle of ESSEX, &c. to the Lord MADOR of London.

My LORD and Gentlemen,

I Received so great expressions of affections both to the Cause, and to my selfe, from the City of London, at my departure from you, that I cannot dispaire, but to obtaine my suit from you, that shall be an advantage to the Common wealth; upon a true judgement of the condition of our affaires, and of that of the Ene­my; I am confident that we may bring this businesse to a quicke and happy conclusion, God doth blesse us with so good successe daily; and the other part by their plundering and burning of Townes and Hou­ses, grow so odious that they grow weaker▪ wee stronger every­where; yet are we in one great straight, and such a one, as if it be not speedily remedied, may quash all our hopes, and endanger that peace and libertie which we so much labour for; our treasure, which must maintaine our Army▪ growes neere an end; and you well know our Army consists of such as cannot be kept one day together without pay: what a ruine it would bring upon us all, if a disbanding should happen, I leave to your judgements: My desire unto you is, that you would supply us with a speedy loane of one hundred thousand pounds, which I am confident would (with Gods blessing) bring these unhappy di­stractions to an end quickly: your Citie hath hitherto had the honour, next to God, to be the chiefest saftie of the Kingdome and Parli­ament; this will render you to all posteritie the finishers of this great worke. If any thing of particular love or respect to me may be any argument herein, I shall take it for the greatest honour that hath be­falne me, and will oblige my selfe to acknowledge it by the utmost and most faithfull endeavour of

Your faithfull friend ESSEX.

Septemb. 19▪ 1642. London, printed for William Gay.

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