ENGLANDS Alarm from the NORTH.
WEre it not that some speciall judgement from heaven lies on the most of this Nation for our formalitie and unthankfulnesse, it were impossible to conceive that we should be so ignorant and insensible of the designes which are yet upon us; he which casts his eyes back with any observation of seven yeares proceedings, cannot but have seene such a contexture of plots, and stratagems, to ruine this Kingdome, as hath not beene before in such a space of time; and had we been good husbands of our experience, we might have both foreseen, and prevented many mischiefs which are like to come upon us. But we may sadly lament, instead of observing the publike contrivances of our enemies, we have closed in with many of them, and are like to ingage again on the same designe (if God prevent it not.) God hath done enough to open our eyes, and Providence hath discovered that, as at noon day, which lay hid, and was for a long time carried on by secret and only suspicious steps; and that we might have a demonstration of their intentions, our enemies have writ them in bloud, and we have the undeniable prints of their malice on our bodies, estates and liberties, yea our Religion and consciences. But this hath been our misery, though we have felt the paine, yet we have not looked into the designe, nor eyed the secret and invisible paths and formes these men have walked in. We should have had no neede of any paper discoveries if we had carefully observed the reall and manifest practises of these men but within these few yeares. But because I may not speake at randome, and all that can be done is little enough to make men sensible of their own good, I cannot but tell you that you are yet on the sands, and have need now if ever to open your English eyes, and stand upon your guard, [Page 2] for there are yet who seeke to make a prey of the richest and sweetest of your injoyments. We have very loud Alarmes from the North which bespeak strange things, I shall give you what I know, and many honest and wise men justly feare, that the old Engineers are still at work to undermine (though in a more close and hansome way) the very foundation of our peace and liberties. When we look to heaven, we may well feare the quarrell is not ended there, our unfruitfulnesse hath been so great under the late happy dispensations of the Almighty to us; but that still some sharper arrowes, and bitterer pills are providing for us; if we look to men we may promise our selves that all advantages shall be taken against us, and indeed many clouds farre above the bignesse of a mans hand arise in the North, the vapours of which have ascended partly from the South, and are yet increasing as if they would fill the whole heavens, which many wise men upon great reasons think will not distill in moist and spring-like showers, but in bloud and miserie, on this poor Nation, if the Lord for his own name sake be not very mercifull. And that you may the better prognosticate, and be awakened, it will not be amisse to lead you back unto the consideration of the old designe, and how its like now to be carried on under another habit with as great diligence as ever, and if possible you may be quickned up to a serious and deepe apprehensiou of what mischiefes do await you.
Two great interests have been for a long time apparently driven on with a high hand in these three Kingdomes, the Kings, and the Clergies, the one for Prerogative, the other for Poperie, the one to bring us nigher Turkie, the other nigher Rome; and though they seeme to be different, yet they have both interwoven interests for the mutuall strengthening of each other, and professe one common cause; they well knowing that the best way to inslave our bodies, was first to ingage our consciences, and the way to make our consciences stoope, was to tyrannise over our bodies. This designe was carried on secretly for a long wile, untill at last through the opposition of this Parliament, it broke out into a [Page 3] bloudy and cruell warre, which was not managed by children or fooles, but with the greatest policie and strength, as the wifest heads could conjecture; but after many and tedious overtures, and bloudy battels, God appeared against them, by a poor and despised new Modell, and we obtained a full and absolute conquest over them, so that now all honest hearts seemed to be at rest, & to have sate downe, and have eaten the fruits of such a glorious mercy.
But though the warre be done, the designe is not done, other wayes are essayed to give opportunitie to our old adversaries; the Covenant is brought in, by the now ruling malignant partie in Scotland, as a bait to catch honest men, the Presbyteriall Government must be made the next ground of a quarrel, as if that was designed to effect what Episcopacie could not. A new kinde of Malignants arise in both Kingdomes, which are of two sorts; some great Malignants formerly, and actually in armes, to save their Compositions take the Covenant, are againe admitted to our bosomes; and others who, though not in armes, yet ever were of the Kings side, strike in with honest men whom they finde zealous for the Presbyteriall Government, presse them to the pursuing of uniformitie to the crying downe the Armie; whence divisions arise, new names are found out to distinguish and divide, that some might reigne. Those which were not fully complying with their ends are called Independents, and Sectaries, and represented as the only plagues of the Kingdoms, & incompatible with the good of either nation; the common enemie doth not stirre all this while, as being under the lash, and knowing that the very mention of them would be odious, the Scots Commissioners must be imployed to ply the Citizens with Declarations, to get into the hearts of the Ministers, and to ingage them, professe only their desires for the Church, the puritie and uniformitie of it; and that this may be the more effectuall, Remonstrances must be Printed against the Parliament and their proceedings, and that by the Scots Commissioners, men publickly intrusted with the affaires of Scotland, [Page 4] wherein the Parliament must be taxed for breach of Covenant, for neglect of the Church; and that you may see the bottome of the businesse, the comming of the King to London is thought fit as the only medium, and a personall Treatie prest with so much violence, as if they meant to bring him by the force of their Papers, against the Sence of both Houses of Parliament; the Commissioners must go visit the King in the Isle of Wight, and there protest against the Parliaments Propositions (though only proposing the very substance of what we fought for) and for what private conferences they had with his Majestie, though we know not the words, we may easily understand the sence by their carriages since, and what is now doing in Scotland. How strangely by these transactions we are divided, and what hopes and expectations are in our common enemies we may feele before we are aware. And that some ingagement hath been made between some of the Grandees of Scotland, and the King, is more then probable, if there were no more presumption of it then that secret and clandestine proceeding of the Comissioners in the Isle of Wight. But when we do consider of the modell of the Parliament of Scotland, and how it is framed, and patcht with Malignants, and how they cry up the Kings Interest against the honest party in Scotland and England, we may well suspect that we shall want nothing of the same designe, but the name, and the place from whence it is visibly to be acted. And these things are not bug-beares (though false Alarms are sometimes usefull) some of their own godly Ministers, the last Fast, did publiquely declare the great plottings and contrivings in the Parliament to ingage against the honest party, and did even so point out the Agents (who were no mean ones) that the same night a challenge was sent from the Treasurer, Lord Craford Lindsey, to the Marquesse of Argyle, supposing the Marquesse had prest them to speak what they did, the Lord Lindsey being one pointed out in the designe. And that you may yet be certaine of the strenuous indeavours of these men [Page 5] to effect this work, you have it declared by the generall Assembly in their late Declaration. And besides all this that we may have demonstration upon demonstration, the continuall concourse of Cavaliers from all parts, especially of English, with the cold entertainment of our Commissioners, and the great neglect and contempt of Mr. Marshall for but endeavouring a peace between the Army and the City, speak loud enough, that any one who is not lost in the same designe cannot but be sensible of. And if it be not yet time for us to awake and consider what we are doing, we may feele before we fear our danger; the great incouragement of this designe is our divisions, upon which stock they graffe all their hopes. O Populi ad servitutem non ad libertatem nati? Is there not a spark of true gallantry, and of English Spirits, yet within you? Have the sound of Drums and Trumpets made you quite deafe, and slavery and faction quite put out your eyes? Is there any Interest like to the Publique? Is it not now high time to unite, when others mean to unite against you? Whom do you gratifie but your common enemy? and shall your divisions give life againe to the dying hopes of those sonnes of violence? Had it not been better you had peaceably laid down your necks at first, then to have given ground for such cruell revenge? I would these were but passionate expressions, and that we had not too much ground to inculcate them in every English heart. But we must take off a disguise, or else we shall but lose our labour, and speak to ingaged men. There are many glorious, and faire pretences, which are urged and made the ground of a new quarrell, though the truth is, they are but made the veile and varnish of the old cause: the setting up the Covenant, and Presbytery, contrary to Sectaries and Schismatickes. But what ever is pretended, nothing lesse is intended, and if it be intended first, I am sure it will be executed last; after they have served their own ends upon England, they may perchance serve that. But that honest and well meaning men may see how they are cheated, and that there can [Page 6] be no such quarrell with England either for the Covenant, or for Presbyteriall Government, let it be considered, first that the Parliament have according to the advice of the Assembly stablished it, and have declared their intentions concerning it, that they have and will set it up as the Government of the Kingdome, and have given it the great preeminence of and above all others by its publick stamp of Authority and maintenance, so that there can be no pretence for that, except they will quarrell about an unlimited power, which the Parliament cannot with safety give them, which can be offensive to none but those who hold that Principle, Non dominari instar servitatis est, who think they are slaves except they be rulers. But suppose Presbytery should not be set up, yet doth it deserve the hazard of all the blood, and liberties of English men, to purchase its establishment, which is so new to us, and of which we have such little experience, yea whose name is not in the Covenant, but as it referres to Scotland, to whose modell we are not to be tide, but as we judge it to be according to the word of God? Must Scotland have needs Bellum Presbyteriale with us, as the Bishops had Bellum Episcopale with them? can nothing but warre make up our difference? Let men but remember the event of the Bishops warre, and then they will have little heart to ingage Nations for an unexperienced Church government. Hath Presbytery been indeared to us for so many hundred years, and hath it left such sure and happy pledges of its divine descent in the purest distillations of holinesse, A peace, that its impossible for us to keep God and our liberties together without it? if so, we should be glad to venture the choisest of our outward accomodations to obtain it; and let me adde this, That when Presbytery shall give us good testimony of her benignesse to England, as Episcopacy hath of her malignity, we shall be able to plead more for her. But its too common for men of no religion to beginne their most mischievous practises with that name. I cannot understand how these men can be so true to that government, which so [Page 7] often calls them to the stoole of repentance: But to be serious, that there is no such matter in hand, as either Covenant, or Presbyteriall Government, but purely the Kings Interest, Let us but consider first that the greatest Malignants which have been in Scotland, are now taken into the very bosome of their Parliament, as the Marquesse Huntly, the Lord Traquaire, with many others who have been the greatest Incendiaries of that Kingdome.
Secondly, Who are the great Agents in this businesse, and do carry the sway in this designe, but men who have ever been opposite unto the Covenant, as Mr. George Gellespy spake openly in the Pulpit at Edinburgh, that there are now got up into the greatest places, to sit at the helme, men of strange faces, who were never known to appeare for the cause of the Covenant, but have ever opposed Reformation to the utmost of their power; and that you may ghuesse by the leaders which way the conduct is like to be, you may take their names with their short characters too well known of them. The first and great one who steeres most invisibly this Affayre is Duke Hamilton, one who loves the Crowne better then the King, and yet its thought he acts out of a different and peculiar end; the Lord Traquaire, a man formerly excommunicated both out of Church and State, but now the great Favourite of this Faction; the Lord Lanericke, a younger Brother to the Duke, who can no more live without the Beams of Majesty, then the plant without the Sun, who was so deare to the King, as he made him his Secretary at Newcastle, to supply the place of the Lord Digby, who can no way exceed him in policy and malignancy; the Lord Calender, who hath been a Black-bander, & as secretly disaffected to the Covenant as any of the rest, only ingaged by his Leiutenant-Generall-Ship, and some particular discontents to Montrosse. Its well known how often he hath been at Court within these few monthes; I might adde many more. But that you may know ex [...]pede Herculem. Can any wise man imagine that these men should now begin to ingage on the interest of the Covenant, [Page 8] which they never owned before with any affection, and which is so diametrically opposite to their own private ingagements: But how ever, the Covenant must bear the name! or again, can we imagine that those who shall stand for the King, & joyn with the common enemy to set Him in His Throne who refuseth to take the Covenant, or give any satisfaction to what is contained in it (but only concerning his own Person) will ever maintain the Covenant it selfe?
But let it be granted that there was a reall violation of the Covenant in some particulars, and an ingagement should be for that cause as the principle: yet it cannot be conceived, that the taking in of the common enemy to the quarrell, as Assistants, will ever manage such an intention with any probable successe, but it will rather endanger the whole cause, by putting weapons into their hands who aime at the ruine both of the cause and Covenant. Ye we know by sad experience many a good end hath been soon left, or at least mistaken in the multitude and hurry of Affaires, and those we have put much confidence in, have found it very easy to dispense with their principles, to further their particular and private occasions. We began well in England, and did set out so fairly, as honest, and plain dealing men thought every thing would be carried on uniformly, in effecting one common end. But Proteus never made so many faces and appearances, as there hath been changes and alterations in our Affaires. Let us now therefore be wise to know the meaning of pretences and principles, and not to be terrified from looking after our own good with the name Covenant, though spoken by the Scots themselves with never so much zeal, and protestations, remembring how you have been formerly deceived into a miserable warre by the Name King, and Common-Prayer Book. Religion is a blessed, and happy mercy, without which no Nations are secure; but when it comes in the hands of Politicians, & to be made father to their designes, you must only look upon it as in their glasse, and you are in danger [Page 9] to have it represented in another forme then its own. The Historian said of old, Specie pietatis in ambitionem delabuntur; and its true now, men make Religion but the footstoole of some particular advancement; they make designes for their own advantage, and then intitle Gods name to it, that it may be the lesse suspected, and ingage mens consciences in it the more freely.
But that they may not want a sufficient vizard for their own ends, they tell us of the increasing of Sectaries and Schismaticks, which is both dangerous to the Covenant and State, and the Parliament intends to tolerate them, against whom they cannot but ingage by the Solemne league and Covenant; this is yet a fairer pretence, and seemes to be practicall, either to good, or ruine; but if it be well weighed, we may see a great fallacie whereby we may be easily deceived. The truth is, they have given us names, and will make it a ground of quarrell with us for being call'd by them; the most of these they call Sectaries are honest men, who ventured their lives in this Cause, and have been and are still faithfull to the State, and if there be any difference its in some lesser points of judgement, which yet they manage very modestly and peaceably, and the wisest men can hardly determine the things themselves. Thus strange & formidable names are given to honest men, that they may be thought to be some strange and desperate creatures not fit to live in this world. But I hope English men will know how to call every faithfull man by his right name shortly. I would faine know whether there be any Sect or Schisme now, or hath ever been known to be, like the Sect of the Malignants, which yet the Scots do not only tolerate, but intend to make use of to suppresse the Sects and Schismes in England: Will any man be so mad to hazard his bloud and estate to punish the secred erronious speculations of another mans judgement? or will the suppression of them (take them in the worst sence) countervaile the cost and charges, and the hazards that must be run to effect it? or can the Scots promise when these are [Page 10] supprest, we shall have no more Sects? nay, can they free us from worse in the Church, and State? the truth is, when they have supprest them, they must thinke of dividing among themselves, for interests make Sects, & men will create interests as fast as they see exigencies. When the Scots have got the art to beat all mens braines to one noddle, and all mens principles and ends to one interest, we may happily have some hopes of being free of Sects, in the meane while, though an eye must be over them, and those supprest which are absolutely destructive to the State, yet a wary indulgence must be afforded to some, lest we make more Sects, by persecution of them, then before. We never had so many Sects untill this warre, nor never such names to divide them before the Scots were pleased to baptize them so, and we may feare on just grounds a multiplication of other kind of Sects, if ever a new war should be promoted; for though the ingagement be one at first, yet the ends are different in the prosecution. By this time I doubt not but you may see into the bottome of that pretence as of the rest.
English men, looke about you, a warre is threatned against you, great talks there are at Edenburgh of the Parliament of England, of the breach of Covenant, of vindicating the honour of the King; you are fore-warned, be fore-armed; you have been sorely whipt for your former stupiditie, let experience teach you wisdome, remember names of things will never effect ends. You have fought against the King and his partie for your liberties, never give them away to another nation for nothing; things are now in a hopefull way of settlement, Peace begins to spring over all our injoyments, let us not suffer a Scots blast to nip our hopes in the bud. God knowes when ever we shall be so faire for libertie and peace, if we begin a new broil; the name of a warre should now be as odious to all honest men, as the name of peace hath been, and is, to the sonnes of violence. Many discontents are among you, many divisions, make them up, lest others discontent you more. Events [Page 11] are not easily foreseen in hazardous & difficult transactions, improve the present mercies you injoy, and pray for more, but take heed of making them lesse by fomenting such new differences among friends. Let us all lay to heart the danger of a new warre, the hazard of all that ever we have gained, the uncertaintie of effecting the best pretences by such a course. It can never enter into the heart of any English man except he hath been bred in the Highlands among the Redshanks) that the Kingdome of Scotland should ingage for a warre in England purely to preserve our interests, and set up our liberties, or that they should be more sensible of our condition then the Parliament of England, whom the whole Kingdome have intrusted, and of whose faithfulnesse we have experience sufficient, though an absolute perfection is not to be expected from men on earth, and allowance must be given to men for failings, especially who are imployed in multitude of affaires, and who go through varietie of temptations Though we acknowledge Scotland a good neighbour, yet we have formerly thought that providence had well ordered it that the river Tweede should run between us; and I cannot think him an English man that shall desire any more bridges then Barwick to be made over it; for holding a brotherly correspondence with us, we have not wanted grounds of suspition that sme thing more is desired by them then a bare keeping up the Union. Wise men observe how they have of late pryed into our liberties, made many incroachments on our interests, seemed to challenge a part in the best and richest jewels of this State, affronted our Parliament to their faces, and that when they have had no army in England. Such forward essayes portend only want of power to effect it, which they may do in due time, if providence and our care prevent it not. Its not unknown how it was once pleaded hard at a Conference, that the name of great Brittaine might comprehend us all, and to leave out the distinct names of Scotland and England, knowing that would be a handsome way to get an onenesse in power & interest. [Page 12] And at another time it was prest hard in both Houses, and presented in their Papers, that the foure Northern counties might be ingaged to them for the payment of their army, knowing that possession was eleven points of the Law, and a faire step to a propertie. And all this propounded when they came in called by our Parliament purely on the interest of both Kingdoms equally in danger. But if ever they should now come in let the pretence be as glorious as it will) you can expect nothing but a transplantation of many generations of them, into the best and fattest places of this Kingdome. England is too great a remptation for souldiers who have no other ends to serve but their own bellies. Put beggers on horseback (pardon the comparison) you know how they will ride. But a hint of these things may suffice, except we are willing to sell our birth-right for a messe of pottage. The result of all should be an earnest endeavour of all the honest party in both King doms to unite, and accommodate among themselves, waving the punctilio's of private difference, and fixing their eye on the designes of the common enemy, in the close, and underhand transactions of them.
And before I conclude, I think it will not be amisse to spend a few words on each interest, and that, if possible, we may be a wakened to a happy compliance against all our enemies. And because our Brethren of Scotlād are now most in sight, I cannot choose but begin with them, & give them this faithfull advice, as an honest Covenanter, and true English man. (Brethren) we thank you for your brotherly assistance, we shall labour to requite you with the same, as we have opportunity, you were never so nigh England as now you are, the next breach will make us at a greater distance then ever we were: he that makes the first breach, must expect the first ruine; we have mutually ingaged together against the common enemy, let us not now ingage with them against one another; let it never be said that you had made a Covenant with us to put out our eyes; let not the dying hopes of our and your enemies be revived [Page 13] by you; give not occasion to them to have one cast more against both Kingdoms. You have had sufficient experience of Royall promises, and what the Kings ingagements have been to you; the English Cavaliers are the first born of his heart, and will be most respected because of their first free and voluntary ingagement with him, and they hate your Covenant, and your Nation, more then any people in the world. When you have set up the King, you will give him leave to remember his old quarrell against you. Our English Gallants will never endure to see the best of you sit down at the right hand of the Royall Majestie, you had better keep your esteem you have with the Parliament, and the honest party in England, and give us time and peace to pay our debts, then crack your credit with every party. We shall call against you to the most High God for revenge of the greatest treachery that ever was known, if you now joyn with our common enemy to undo this poor Nation. Do not verify that old character given you in all Histories and Nations where your name is mentioned, that you are called Persidi. Know this for certain, Though many in England would be glad to see things changed, yet they will never endure to see you rule Take heed that while you think to come into England, God doth not raise up a second Montrosse to ruine Scotland. Neither are we so low in England, but we can resent your favours or frowns, and you will never make wise men believe, pretend Conscience or Covenant, but your next coming must be to judgement, to part and divide our spoil among your poor despised Gentry and souldiers and though we have of late degenerated much from our English Noblenesse, and Gallantry, yet there is a veine of good blood that yet runs in some honest hearts, which will be prodigally spent upon such treacherous underminers of our Liberties. But we have better thoughts of the honest party in Scotland, then that ever such a designe should come into their hearts, or get the least countenance from them.
It would be farre better, and more agreeing with our Covenant, that we should come in to help you against that malignant Faction which growes prevalent among you, then that you should help them against your friends; and there need not to be any feare of our souldiers unwillingnesse to come back again to England; though we must tell you plainly, you must give us leave to feare that if ever your souldiers come into us, we shall never get them out without blowes. If you will not further, do not envy our peace, you shall enjoy some of the fruits of it as well as we, make much of such friends while you have them. The next whom I would addresse a few lines unto, are the English Presbyterians, (but I am loth to call names) who have been too far ingaged by the faire and smooth pretences of the Scots Commissioners: yet they are English men, and I have more hopes to prevaile on them to look about them. Though your judgements be not much different from the Scots, yet your interests are. Let not the zeale of the Covenant eat out your love to the being of the Common-wealth. Settle not the foundation of Presbyterie in Christian blood. Let the beams of truth shine abroad from you to dispell and destroy errors. Call not for fire from Heaven, especially not from Scotland, against your Brethren. The sweetnesse of your Spirits, the Rayes of Christs glory which shine from your doctrine, will do more to destroy the Kingdome of the Devill set up in the judgement of men, then all the swords and cannons in the world. Can you think that the Scottish Cavaliers will settle an English Presbyterie? will your setting up the King, set up your Government? no, no, Episcopacy is too great a darling of the Kings, and his party, for them to give away its Crown to you. Souldiers will well minde Religion when once they get power; when they have served your ends, you must serve theirs. Be content with what you have, let not the world see you aim purely at Domination, they will then soon conclude you are not Iure divino. Presbyterie may well give in some thing to an accommodation, as well as otherwayes; [Page 15] you have reaped the first fruits, yea the Harvest of what we have yet sown, though with many teares; you may well give leave to others of your Brethren to gather the gleanings of Peace and Liberty, since they have fought, and hazzarded their lives with you for the whole; you have the broad Seal for what you do, the publick stamp of the State, the ingagements of a Kingdom for your maintenance, you may well give leave that a squint eye should be cast on other honest hearts, who desire but to serve Christ according to that light they have; none seeks to be Competitors with you in your injoyments, or envies your priviledges, only desire to sit quietly down by you, serving of God with you, though not in the same externall forme. Will the most exactest externall Uniformity, if obtained by force, amount to the losse of innocent blood, and the oppression and persecution of any poor Saints? Remember what was the ruine of Episcopacy, but the rigidnesse of pressing Conformity; let Pres byterie take heed she come not to the same end by over-forcing an outward Uniformitie. And howere you may now think, the design is as much against the honest Presbyterians, as Independents; and though now we divide, we shall then be but one in the misery, if ever through our own divisions God should let such a device take effect. But they cannot be ignorant of these affaires; if they be, and are blinded by Scots mist, I shall only wish they may have time enough to repent, when they shall feel the mischiefs of such an Enterprise.
And before I go further, I cannot passe by the City of' London, a place where most of those designes have been hatched, a people mixt in their intorests, and divided among themselves, who have been ridden by all parties, but now of late more abused, and ingaged by the Scots Commissioners, and some others: You are full of discontents against this Parliament and Army, you were like to have begun a bloody war of late; had not some men, more wise and honest then others prevented it, you had inconsiderately, [Page 16] made way for your utter Ruine; and yet you think it now your happinesse you live in Peace. Have you yet so many Bags to spare, as to invite your Brethren of Scotland in? Are your Chests so full that you know not how to imploy the overplus? let bleeding Ireland have the benefit of your superabundance: if ever another War should be, you must launch out otherwise then ever you have done yet; you may not expect the Bishops Lands, or Delinquents Estates to be sold for your security, the Cavaliers will soon punish that which they call Sacriledge, and redeem the Revenue of the Clergy again: you had need make much of this Parliament, that they may settle things so, as they may perform their ingagements to you, and you may injoy what you lent your money for; the next party may quickly undoe what is now done: you have paid money only by way of Loan now, for which you have got well, the next turn you must give, and pay for lending also; what you have done for this Parliament against the Kings party, if ever the King get his power, you must do for him with an addition, and lose your former profits too. Oh that you would now be wise! sit down and eat the fat, and drink the sweet of your injoyments under this Parliament, and let not another Kingdom come and make you Tributaries to their own designs; Lose not all the glory of your former Actions in a new strain of Malignity? If any of you be still discontented, and would gladly see a new overture of Affaires in relation to a War, I could only wish those mens persons were as far distant from the publick as their interests are, and then let them take their fill of War. Let every man consider that there can be no pretence for War so strong, and necessary, as the setling of our Lawes and Liberties (after Conquest of our common Enemy) can be for Peace. And of all men, the Citizens had need be quiet, and stick fast to the Parliament, who injoy all they have by them; their trade is now coming in apace, their shops full, and except they long for to be plundred, and to lay temptations before their [Page 17] old Enemies, they cannot but detest any thought of a new ingagement, or of countenancing such an undertaking: yet doubtlesse the Scots Commissioners have not courted them all this while for nothing, they have observed their tempers, cast in Baits to trie their affections, and have no small confidence in their assistance: But I hope they have observed and read the Scots Commissioners by this time, as well as they have formerly done them: if they will still be made pack horses to the Scots designes, I shall wish them no worse masters.
I have one word to another party, of which I am sorry to hear that they should be thought a party distinct from the whole, the Levellers (falsely so called) and as innocently misled, in whom the principles of liberty would shine very resplendently, were they not mixed with some other unsuitable passions. You honest hearts, whose designe do you drive on with such violence? are there not parties enough already, make no more, lest you part your Interest from the Publique. Liberty is the garland we must weare after victory; but we must take heed how we prosecute the attainment of it; all things cannot be done at once, every man is not to be judge of his own liberty; there may be more dangers sometimes in setling liberty, then in acting a warre. I fear you have done more disservice, and made more breaches in the honest Party, then the liberty of your particular persons will countervaile, Avide ruendo ad libertatem, in servitutem delapsi sunt, was an observation found out by old experience. It is observed in you, that the violence of your spirit hath sprung from some particular discontents, and injuries received from particular persons, which is an ill foundation; and honest men see not these holy, and Christian-like gallantryes in your carriages, but much of selfe, and particular reflexions on private persons; Oh let not advantages be given by you to your and our enemies againe, revenge not your particular quarrels to some members of Parliament, with opening a gap for the old Incendiaries to creep in at [Page 18] to destroy us all. Ballance former services with present failings, consider the many exigencies men of publique imployment are put unto; they bear with your passions, you must with their other infirmities; wait but a while, and calmly indeavour in your places what you aim at, but let not your particular spirits manage such a publique work; and especially remember who threatens to take advantage by our divisions. I can assure, you give the Cavaliers such a glimpse of hope, that they as men risen from the dead, at the hearing of your new agreements of the people, and such like transactions: for while you seem to agree in that, you divide from the whole, and incourage the present designe to destroy our Union and Communion together. But I know the thoughts of a Scottish Invasion will settle your present thoughts to indeavour the strengthening the present honest Party, under what names soever.
What remaines, but that all honest and true-hearted English men should unite their apprehensions and affections in standing for the particular Interest of England, and the sticking to this present Parliament; for though things have not been carried so uniformely, as could have been wished, and many members have had their particular failings, yet that is the most certaine remedy we have ever found; and if we vilifie, and undervalue them, we shake the foundations of our own peace, and there is no other visible remedy left us, to support our selves, but what is violent, and unnaturall; and though private men may see many failings in particular actions, they must remember, that they cannot see all the difficulties they meet with, nor all the secret principles and reasons they act by; and that what ever passeth through the best of men will need refining, and long continuance in variety of Affaires cannot but alter thoughts, and apprehensions, if not principles. We now know the worst of this Parliament, but we know not what will be the next; they are now going on happily, if we discourage them by our divisions, the blame must lie on us, [Page 19] not on them, who cannot possible please all parties, in every circumstance of their desires; and it is a mercy they have kept to the foundation of our liberties, and have not given it up yet, either to the King, or Scots; and their last declaration in Answer to the Scots Commissioners papers may satisfie the whole world in their absolute intirenesse to the Interest of this Kingdome, and may calme our spirits from such murmurings as arise against them. I am sorry to heare honest men so hot, to desire a dissolution of this Parliament, before we are freed of our feares, and they have setled the Kingdome in a positive defence against our enemies. It is better trust them whom we know, and who promise better things, then leave all to the hazard of a next Parliament, of whom we know nothing, nor how they may be packt, and how in the intervall designes may act. Let the last malignant elections in Scotland for ever stand a Patterne to us, else we shall be wise when we have paid more for it.
And that we may yet prevent this designe from the North, let us reflect on our former actings, and recall our first principles of ingagement in this warre. We may very well remember that the old Character which was given to our common Enemie, by which we distinguished them, was from their owning the Kings Prerogative interest against the Parliament of England, and the libertie of the Subject, from whence they were called Malignants; and who ever owne the same interest, or seeke to set up the King in his Throne, contrary to the Propositions of Peace propounded by both Houses of Parliament, and do joyne with the same partie, cannot be looked upon any other notion, then as the common Enemie, though under another name; & all honest men are to unite against them, as at first, except we mean to forsake our principles, or do imagine that our Enemies are regenerated, and that the King is turned purely for the libertie of the Subjects, and the Priviledges of Parliament, Cujus contrarium verum est, [Page 20] they had never more wicked intentions then now they have, nor their hearts fuller fraught with malice then at this day. But its our misery, that we can see nothing but what we feele, nor will beleeve nothing before its too late to prevent it; we have not so much wit, that the same designe can be carried on by severall mediums which seeme contrary to it. But if men will be secure, let them be undone by the danger. I hope wise men will take care for themselves. If God will yet punish us with a senselesse slavish spirit, its but the fruit of our own doings. Its happy for honest men they have a reserve at last, but its sad to thinke that so many gallant spirits in this juncture of time are divided, when division is the greatest prejudice to our affaires. Its no wonder that Englands glory and happinesse hath beene the object of so much envie, and other Nations have such ambitious eyes upon it; but the wonder is, that we should by our own folly prostrate so faire a Virgin to the ravishments of everie ones lust. We can exchange nothing with other Nations of our Liberties and Priviledges, without indangering their affections to it. It hath beene but a little part of our wisdome, that we have given Scotland such a sair prospect of our happiness, we might have kept our secrets, and have beene kinde enough unto them too. But we cannot now help it, you see what a vertue men make of necessitie, let us be wise for time to come, and know that a faire and loving distance from Scotland will not at all prejudice our condition, so long as we keep to the substance of our union, & correspondence in mutual affaires; any neerenesse besides will but make them covet, and us fear. It stands upon you to have your eyes in your head, and to observe where you are, and what you are comming unto, and if all will not make you wise, there must be a whip provided for the back of such fooles. It may be this discourse may seeme needlesse, and be thought only the frenzie of some melancholy spirit. I wish it may prove so, I shall be glad to lose my paines, so they may lose [Page 21] their designs. It wil be my happiness to be mistaken in this, though timely caution never yet hindered any serious work. I shall conclude with my heartie desires to God, that he would open the eyes of this Nation, defeate the plots of our Enemies, settle us in Truth and Peace, and that while we are of one Nation, we may have one Interest in all publique Affairs.