An Order of his Excellency the Lord General Cromvvell, and the Council of State, for continuing the Powers of the Commissioners for Indempnity.
WHereas by an Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act for transferring the Powers of the Committee for Indempnity, The Powers and Authorities which any Committee or Committees of Parliament had to give Indempnity to, or to save harmless and Indempnified, any person or persons whatsoever who have acted by Authority, or for the service of the Parliament, were transferred unto, and were vested and settled in and upon Samuel Moyer, Iames Russel, Edward Winslowe, Iosias Berners, William Molins, Arthur Squibb, and Richard Moor, with several other Powers and Authorities mentioned and contained in the said Act, which said Act was to continue and be in full force until the first of Iuly 1653. and no longer, It is Ordered and Declared, by his Excellency the Lord General Cromwell, and the Council of State, That all the Powers and Authorities given by the said Act unto the said Commissioners named therein, or to any former Committee or Committees of Parliament for Indempnity, be and are hereby vested and settled in and upon the said Samuel Moyer, Iosias Berners, Arthur Squibb, and Richard Moor, and upon Edward Cary and George Foxcroft Esqs VVho by the Authority hereof, or any three or more of them, are impowred to do and execute all and every the Powers and Authorities granted, limitted, or appointed by the said Act, or by any other Act, Ordinance or Order of Parliament for Indempnitie.
Provided that this Order and Authority shall continue and be in force until the first day of November 1653.
London, Printed for Giles Calvert, Thomas Brewster, and by and for Henry Hills, MDCLIII.