WHereas the Lords in the upper House of Parliament, do finde that there are many Petitions concerning private persons depending now before their Lordships, and conceive that many more may be brought into that House, if timely advertisement be not given to the contrary, which may occasion the Repair and Attendance of divers of His Majesties loving Subjects upon their Lordships; who cannot give a dispatch to private businesses, by reason of the many publike and great Affairs that now lie before them, concerning the Safety and Weal of His Majesties Kingdoms:
It is therefore thought fit, and so Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That all private businesses shall be hereby deferred and put off, untill the first day of the next Terme being the 27 th of Aprill next: Whereof this house doth hereby give notice to all his Majesties loving people, to prevent the charge and trouble, which otherwise the Petitioners might be put unto in repairing unto this house at this time.