Two VOTES Concerning the King, and Queenes Houses and Lands.

ORDERED by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That a Stop, and Stay be forthwith made of all Wastes, in any the Houses, Timber, or Woods Standing, and being, in, or upon any the Lands, part of the Queens Majesties Ioynture, in whose hands soever the same are; And that all Wood and Timber which have been felled off any of the said Lands, at any time since the 25 day of Aprill last, whether remaining upon the said Lands, or removed off the Lands, to any other place or places, shall so re­main, and continue, without further disposall, till the Parliament shall give speciall order therein. And all persons concerned are required to take notice hereof, and to observe the same accordingly, at their Perills.

ORDERED by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That a Stop, and Stay be forthwith made of all Wastes, in any the Houses, Timber, or Woods, standing, and being, in, or upon any the Lands, belonging to the Kings Majesty, in whose hands soever the same are. And that all Wood, and Timber which have been felled off any of the said Lands, at any time since the 25 of Aprill last, whether remaining upon the said Lands, or removed off the Lands, to any other place or places, shall so remaine, and continue, without further dispo­sall, till the Parliament shall give speciall order therein. And all persons concerned are required to take notice hereof, and to observe the same accordingly, at their Perills.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That these two Orders be forthwith Printed and Published.

Cleric: Parliamentorum.

London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KINGS most Excellent Majesty. 1660.

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