The Report from the Committee of the Safety, concerning the Earle of Denbigh.
THat upon full Examination and Consideration of the proceeding in the Businesse concerning the stay of the Earle of Denbigh, The Committee conceives they had just cause to send for the Earle for not obeying of the Order of the Committee made in His Lordships presence, with His Consent as they apprehend. But His Lordship upon His returne affirming upon His Honour, that Hee did mistake the Order of the Committee, And that if He had understood it to haue restrained His going out of Town with His forces and prouisions He would haue obeyed it, The Committee thinks good to declare, that there is nothing appeares to them that doth any way deminish their opinion of His Innocency and Faithfulnesse to the Parliament and State, but He remaines in their Apprehensions untainted in His Honour, and so they desire He may be esteemed by others.
ORdered by the Lords in Parliament that this bee forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed for Iohn Wright, 1643.