ORdered by the Lords in Parliament, That these particulars shall be forth with Printed and published.
1. Martii, 1641. Lord Keeper present, Both Houses Petitioned the King, wherein is this Clause, Viz.
WHerefore they are enforced, in all humility, to protest, That if Your Majesty shall persist in that denyall, the dangers and distempers of the Kingdom are such, as will endure no delay; but unlesse You shall be graciously pleased to assure to them by these Messengers, That You will speedily apply Your Royall Assent to the satisfaction of their former desires, they shall be enforced for the safety of Your Majesty and Your Kingdomes, to dispose of the Militia, by the Authority of both Houses, in such manner as hath been propounded to Your Majesty; and they resolve to do it accordingly.
15. Martii, 1641. The Lord Keeper present, and Voted, and Argued for this following Vote, Viz.
THat in case of extreme danger, and of his Majesties refusall, the Ordinance agreed on by both Houses, doth obliege the People, and ought to be obeyed by the Fundamentall Laws of this Kingdom.
Thirdly, He named his Deputy-Lievtenants, and sent Lievtenants names to the House of Commons, and often asked the Clerk of the Peers House for his Deputations, and commanded him to deliver them to one of his Servants; which he accordingly did in his presence.
25. Martii, 1642.
Lord Keeper present. Fourthly, he agreed to the severall forms of Deputations for the Militia.
London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott, and John Wright. 1642.