Die Veneris. 5 March. 1646.

THe Lords in Parliament Assembled taking into their consi­deration the multitude of Beggars, poore, and Vagabonds in and about the Cities of London Westminster, and in the other parts of this Kingdome; for prevention whereof, divers Acts of Parliament have been made, as well to punish such Beggars and Vagabonds, as also to provide for the reliefe of poore people, but by reason of the unhappy di­stractions of these times, the putting of the Lawes into Exe­cution have been altogether neglected: It is therefore Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the time being, and all Judges and Justices of Assize, and Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, and generall Goale delivery, in their severall Circuits, and Justices of Peace in their Quarter Sessions, and all other person or persons (who are by any Act of Parliament entrusted to see the said Acts put in Execution, and the poore to be provided for) doe strictly and carefully put in Execution all and severall the Acts of Parliament, for the punishment of Beggers, Rogues, and Vaga­bonds, and for releife of the poore: And the said Judges and Justices of Assize in their severall Circuits, are required to give the said Acts of Parliament in charge at the Assizes in all the Countries where they shall come and keep Assize.

Joh. Brown Cler. Parliament:

Printed at London for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily. 1646.

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