Die Sabbathi, 11 Junii, 1642.

IT is this day ordered by the Lords in Parliament as­sembled, That a strict Search and Examination shall be made by the Justices of Peace, Maiors, Bayliffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers, inha­habiting, or neer adjoyning to all the Northern Roads, for the stopping and staying of all Arms, Ammunition, Powder, Light-horses, or Horses for Service in the Warres, and great Saddles that are, or shall be carryed towards the North parts of England, but by the privity and direction of one, or both of the Houses of Parliament; And that the said Officers shall stay them accordingly, and speedily give Information thereof unto one of the Houses of Parliament.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That this Order shall be Printed and Pub­lished,

Jo. Brown, Cleric. Parliamentorum.

London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott, and Iohn Wright, 1642.

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