❧ Die Sabbati 16. Januarii. 1640.
IT is this day ordered by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled, That the Divine Service be performed as it is appointed by the Acts of Parliament of this Realm: And that all such as shall disturbe that wholsom Order, shall be severely punished according to the Law: And the Parsons, Vicars, and Curates in the severall Parishes, shall forbear to introduce any Rites or Ceremonies that may give offence, otherwise then those which are established by the Laws of the Land.
❧ Die Jovis 9. Septemb. 1641.
IT is this day voted by the Lords in Parliament that the Order abovesaid shall be Printed and published.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1641