The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to HIS MAJESTY On Friday the Tenth Day of June, 1698.


LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1698.

IT is Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, That the Lord Chancellor do give Order, that the Ad­dress of this House Presented to His Majesty, relating to the Woollen Manufacture in Ire­land, and His Majesties most Gracious An­swer thereunto, be forthwith Printed and Pub­lished.

Matth. Johnson, Cleric' Parliamentor'

The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In PARLIAMENT Assembled.

WE the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, Do Humbly Represent unto Your Ma­jesty, That the Growing Manufacture of Cloth in Ireland, both by the Cheapness of all Sorts of Necessaries for Life, and Goodness of Materials for Making of all manner of Cloth, doth Invite Your Subjects of England, with their Families and Servants, to Leave their Habitations to Settle there, to the Increase of the Woollen Manufacture in Ireland; which makes Your Loyal Sub­jects in this Kingdom very Apprehensive, that the further Growth of it may Great­ly Prejudice the said Manufacture here; by which the Trade of this Nation, and the Value of Lands will very much De­crease, [Page 4]and the Numbers of the Peo­ple be much Lessened here: Where­fore We do most Humbly Beseech Your most Sacred Majesty, That Your Majesty would be Pleased, in the most Publick and Effectual Way that may be, to Declare to all Your Subjects of Ireland, That the Growth and Increase of the Woollen Manufacture there, hath Long and will ever be Looked upon with great Jealousie by all Your Subjects of this Kingdom; And if not timely Remedied may Occasion very Strict Laws totally to Prohibit and Suppress the same; And on the other hand, if they turn their Industry and Skill to the Settling and Improving the Linen Manufacture, for which gene­rally the Lands of that Kingdom are very Proper, they shall Receive all Counte­nance, Favour and Protection from Your Royal Influence, for the Incouragement and Promoting of the said Linen Manu­facture, to all the Advantage, and Profit that Kingdom can be Capable of.

Matth. Johnson. Clerc' Parliamentor'

His Majesties most Gracious Answer to the Address was to this Effect.

THat His Majesty will take care to do what Their Lordships have desired.


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