WHereas Thursday next is by former Order appointed for a day of Publique Thanksgiving for the great mercy of God in giving successe to the Parliaments forces against the Enemy at Torrington in Devonshire: And whereas since the appointment of the said day of Thanksgiving the Parli­aments Forces in severall Parts of the Kingdome have given the Enemie divers defeats, and gained severall strength which are now in the possession of the Parliament: It is thereupon Ordered, That the respective Ministers within the Limits where the said day of Thanksgiving is appointed to be observed, and kept; do make mention of these severall mercies and successes, and stirre up the People to a due thank­fulnesse for the same; And to the end the said mercies and successes may bee the better taken notice of, Mr. Rouse, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Gourdon, and Mr. Alderman Pennington are to collect the same; to the end the Mini­sters may bee acquainted with the particulars thereof. And the Lord Major of London is desired to take care that the Ministers may have timely notice of this Order.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

WHereas heretofore it pleased God in the very dayes of Thankesgiving for former Mercies, to meet us with new; as if hee had taken notice of our Thankfulnesse, and encouraged us to it, as a duty that gives him both Honour and delight: Now, the infinite goodnesse of the same gracious God hath prevented our day of Thankesgiving (lately appointed for the blessed successe of the Parliaments Army at Torrington,) with many Mercies and Successes in sundry parts of this Kingdom; and hath sent them to us as grounds and encouragements to give him on this day a larger, fuller, and more zealous Thankesgiving: For the further advancement whereof, there are many observable passages of Divine providence.

In the first place we may take notice that Ragland Castle in Wales was long fortified by the Earl of Worcester a Papist, which of late much increased in strength, and committed many cruelties upon the County of Monmouth, plundering, firing, and destroying Towns and Houses; having the whole Country under their power, except some few Garisons of the Parliaments, no way able to resist them. The Ragland Horse drew towards Cardiffe in Glamorgan-shire, a Parliament Garison; whereupon the Governour and Committee there, sent to Collonel Kerne lately appointed High Sheriffe by the Parliament, and to the rest of the Country to rise in a body to oppose the Enemy: but contrary to expectation, Collonel Kerne and the Malignant Gentry being at their Rendezvouze, prevailed with the people to besiege Cardiffe, which was done with about 2000 men: they tooke the Towne in a short time, having the assistance of the Malignant Townesmen. The Governour, Committee, and Souldiers betook themselves to the Castle; Gods Providence so cast it, that Major Generall Laughorne, Sir Trevor Williams and Collonell Keyrle came in season, (Provision being almost spent in the Castle,) and fought with the Countrey-men and Ragland Forces, (who were joyned on a Heath neare the Town,) Routed them, tooke many Prisoners, and forced them to fly back to the Town: Major Generall Laughorne pursued, and relieved the Castle; the Enemy conti­nued in the Towne a while; at last Articles were agreed, That they should march away with Colours flying, Match lighted, &c. But having marched some distance from the Towne, occasion was given by the Enemy for breach of Articles, whereupon they engaged in a very hot fight, in which were slaine and drowned of the Enemy neare 400, about 500 taken Prisoners, the rest scattered and fled. We lost very few men in this service, though many hurt: had this treacherous Plot taken effect, South-Wales had been lost again, which probably would have afforded thousands to the King to joyne in a body with Sir Jacob Ashley, who drew his Forces that way. This, if rightly considered with the circumstances, is none of the least mercies, among many late successes and Victories which God hath vouchsafed us.

The deliverance also of Abbington is an observable Mercy. The Enemy came to Abbington with a 1000 Horse, and about a 1000 Foot; they drave our men from the Works, and entred above 300 men, and possest themselves of sundry Guards, Works, and the Magazine it self; but our Horse and Foot resisted them valiantly, routed them, and made them quit their ground, God at that time raising their Spirits to a great height of Resolution.

After the taking of Torrington in Devon, some Forces advancing towards Stratton in Cornwall, and the Enemy making resistance, it pleased God to put them to flight, and there were taken about 300 Horse, and 80 Prisoners.

After this our Army came to Launceston a chief Town in Cornwall, which after some opposition they took, with the Armes and Magazine in it. And it may be worthy both of notice and Thankesgiving, that our Souldiers there were so temperate and obedient, that notwithstanding the opposition made at the Towne; yet they did not plunder so much as one House; which no question was a great Conquest upon themselves, and advanced much the conquering of that County; especially since before the Armies comming to Launceston, the people were possest with an opinion that there would be no mercy shown to the Cornish.

It is also observable, that God hath strucken the Enemy with a terror there; and divers persons of quality send for Protections, and dai­ly make their submissions; and not above 80 Foot appeared upon the calling of their Pose; whereas heretofore thousands have appeared.

And now our Army advancing towards Bodmin, a Town about twenty miles within Cornwall, the enemy did quit the Town by night, Hopton himself bringing up the Reare of them. In those parts six Troopers drove away the Convoy of four Load of Ammunition; and four Troopers overtaking 42 Musketeers with Matches lighted, and Muskets loaden, made them all lay down their Armes, and brought them back Prisoners.

The maine body of the Enemies Army, consisting most of Horse is driven far into Cornwall, and being shut up behinde by our Forces, is inclosed both before and on every side by the Sea, and hath little rest, being Alarm'd by our parties.

Beyond all this, God hath delivered not onely their Forces and Forts, but their Counsells into our hands; and the delivering up of their Counsells, delivers also their Cause: For by Gods especiall Providence, a Ship comming into Padstow (a Sea Town in Cornwall,) and bringing in divers of the native Irish (most of which, those of the Town destroyed) there came also with them a Packet of Let­ters from Ormond, Clamorgan, and Digby, which being cast into the Sea was recovered again, and contained matters of great conse­quence, that concern the bringing in of a multitude of Irish into this Kingdom. Thus their Counsells being brought to light, their Cause therein appears most abominable, while there must needs be a likenesse between it, and those that support it: now the suppor­ters of it are Idolatrous and bloody Irish Rebells and Traytors.

London Printed by Richard Cotes, 1645.

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