
Monday, December 17. 1660.

Whereas the Maimed Soldiers and Pensioners belonging to Ely-house and the Savoy, formerly a great Charge to the Nation, are by Order of Parliament discharged, and sent with Recommendations into their respective Coun­ties and Places, where they did last reside, but are not accordingly received, or relieved by the Respective Justi­ces of the Peace: It is therefore Ordered by the Com­mons in Parliament assembled, That all and every the Justices of the Peace in all Counties, Corporations, and places within his Majesties Dominions, do take speedy care, and make provision, according to the Statute for maimed Souldiers, and that of 43. of Queen Elizabeth concerning the Overseers for the Poor, for the re­lief and livelyhood of such Pensioners, maimed Souldiers, Widows, and Or­phans as come unto them, with such Recommendations signed with the hands of Thomas Lord Fairfax, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Anthony Irby, Sir William Wheeler, Sir Iohn Robinson, Sir Francis Gerard, Sir Thomas Meeres, Sir Thomas Clergis, Iohn Birch, William Prynn, Edward King, Gilbert Gerrard, Richard Knightly and Michael Mallet Esquires, or any three of them, being Members of the Commit­tee of Parliament, appointed to discharge the said Pensioners. And that this Order be forthwith Printed, and that the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses do convey the same unto the respective places for which they serve in Parliament: reminding the said Justices of the necessity of this good work, and of the Laws made concerning the same.

Clerk of the Commons House of Parliament.

LONDON, Printed by JOHN BILL, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. MDCLX.

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