
WHereas it doth appear to this House by certain Informations received from divers parts of this Kingdom, that the Pole▪ money doth ge­nerally come to a far lesse sum, then by the true intent of the Act it both might and ought to do (which as we are credibly informed) is caused by the undue and partiall Certificates and Assessements brought into the Com­missioners by the Assessors, and also by the great neglect of the Commissi­oners, who have not reformed such Certificates and Returnes, as by the Law they are required; But have in many places favoured and eased themselves, their friends, tenants, and neighbours unjustly, whereby the true meaning of the Law hath been much frustrate, to the great prejudice of the Kingdom, and neglect of the good intentions of this House; There­fore, upon serious consideration, both of giving just satisfaction (by the equallitie of proceeding in this service) to such as have paid their severall sums due by the Act, as also for the supplying of the emergent necessities of the Common wealth;

It is this day Ordered by this House, that the Commissioners in their severall Counties respectively, Authorized for this service, shall without delay appoint some convenient times and places in their severall divi­sions for their meeting, when and where, with the assistance of such able and discreet persons as they shall think fit to call before them, They shall take a strict and impartiall review of the severall Certificates, and particular rates formerly by them received, or allowed; And shall carefully endeavour fully to inform themselves of every person, either omitted, or not rated, as by the Act he, she, or they ought to be, To the end that every one may be rated ac­cording to their severall Degrees, and Estates, And also that the severall sums formerly Assessed may be le­vied upon every one of the defaulters according to the Act: And that the said Commissioners do cause all and every such sum or sums of Money, as shall be upon this review taxed, to be collected, and levied either by the former Collectors by them appointed, or, if just cause shall be, by such others newly to be nominated as they shall conceive to be well affected to the indifferent and equall proceeding of this so important a service.

And it is further required, that the Commissioners aforesaid shall with all convenient expedition return all such sums of Money as shall be by them received, unto such persons as are authorized to receive it by the Act of Parliament and Orders of this House.

And they shall also return exact and particular Certificates of their proceedings unto the Committee appointed by this House to receive them. And if any Commissioner or Commissioners shall be found to have neglected the execution of this Order, he, and they must expect to be called to answer his and their disobedience or neglect thereof to this House. And for the better advantage of this weighty service,

It is further Ordered, that all such severall Members of this House, as are Commissioners by this Act, shall upon the next Adjournment or Recesse, joyn themselves in assistance with the Commissioners in their severall Counties, who may thereby be the better resolved of all such doubts as shall, or may arise, And also may be quickned in that service by having the sense of this House more clearly imparted to them concerning the ur­gent and pressing necessity that this Leavy should be made according to the true intent of the Act, which ser­vice is much conducing to the peace, safety, and benefit of this Kingdom, and to the honour of this House.

Resolved upon the Question; That this Order shall be forthwith Printed and Published.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1641.

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