❧ Die Mercurii 8 o Septemb. 1641.
WHereas divers Innovations in or about the worship of God, have been lately practized in this Kingdom, by injoyning some things, and prohibiting others without warrant of Law, to the great grievance and discontent of his Majesties Subjects. For the suppression of such Innovations, and for preservation of the publike Peace, It is this day Ordered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Church-Wardens of every Parish Church and Chappell respectively, do forthwith remove the Communion Table from the East end of the Church, Chappell, or Chancell, into some other convenient place, and that they take away the Railes, and levell the Chancels, as heretofore they were, before the late Innovations.
That all Crucifixes, scandalous Pictures of any one or more persons of the Trinitie, and all Images of the Virgin Mary shall be taken away and abolished, and that all Tapers, Candlesticks, and Basins, be removed from the Communion Table.
That all corporall Bowing at the name (JESUS) or towards the East end of the Church, Chappell, or Chancell, or towards the Communion Table, be henceforth forborn: That the orders aforesaid be observed in all the severall Cathedrall Churches of this Kingdom, and [...] Churches or Chappels in the two Vniversities, or any other part of the Kingdom, and in the Temple Church, and the Chappels of the other Innes of Court, by the Deans of the said Cathedrall Churches, by the Vice Chancellour of the said Vniversities, and by the Heads and Governours of the severall Colledges and Halls aforesaid, and by the Benchers and Readers in the said Innes of Court respectively.
That the Lords Day shall be duly observed and sanctified: All Dancing, or other Sports, either before or after Divine Service be forborn and restrained; and that the preaching of Gods word be permitted in the afternoon in the severall Churches and Chappels of this Kingdom, and that Ministers and Preachers be incouraged thereunto.
That the Vice-Chancellors of the Vniversities, Heads and Governours of Colledges, all Parsons, Vicars, and Church-Wardens, do make Certificates of the performance of these Orders: and if the same shall not be observed in any the places aforementioned, upon complaint thereof made to the two next Iustices of Peace, Major, or head Officers of Cities or Towns Corporate, It is Ordered that the said Iustices, Major, or other head Officer respectively, shall examine the trueth of all such complaints, and certifie by whose default the same are committed, All which Certificates are to be delivered in Parliament before the thirtieth of October next.
Resolved upon the Question.
That this Order now read shall be an Order of it self without any addition for the present, and that it shall be Printed and published.
It is further Ordered, That the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of every Shire, Citie, and Borough, do take care to publish this Order in their severall Counties, Cities, and Boroughs.