The Votes of the Honourable House of Commons, In Vindication of the eleven Members Charged by the ARMY.

Upon a solemne debate concerning that high Demand of the ARMY, in their paper lately sent, for the suspending of DENZILL HOLLIS Esquire, Sir PHILIP STAPLETON, Sir WILLIAM LEWIS, Sir JOHN CLOTWORTHY, Sir WILLIAM WAL­LER, Sir JOHN MAYNARD, Knights; Major Ge­nerall MASSY, Master GLYN Recorder of London, Colonell WALTER LONG, Colonell EDWARD HARLEY, and ANTHONY NICOLL Esquire, Members of that House, before any particular Charge given in against them, it is resolved as followeth:

Die Veneris 25 Junii, 1647.

Resolved upon the Question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That by the Lawes of the Land, no Judgement can be given to suspend these Members, or any of them, from sitting in the HOƲSE upon the Papers presented from the Army, be­fore Particulars produced, and Proofs made.

Resolved, &c.

That it doth not appear, that any thing hath been said or done within this HOƲSE by any of the Members in questi­on, touching any matters contained in the Papers sent from the Army, for which this HOƲSE can in Justice suspend them.

Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

London, Printed by R. R. 1647.

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