TWO VOTES OF The COMMONS assembled in Parliament, DECLARING The Forces that are now come out of Scotland into England un­der the Command of Duke Hamilton, Enemies to this Kingdom; And that all persons of the English or Irish Nation that have invited, or voluntarily ayded or assisted them, are Traytors and Rebels.

Resolved upon the Question,

THat this House doth Declare, That the Forces that are now come out of Scotland into England in a Hostile maner under the Command of Duke Hamilton, being without the Authority of the Parliament of England, are Enemies to the Kingdom of England: And that all persons of the English or Irish Nation, that joyn with, or adhere unto, or voluntarily ayd or assist them, are Rebels and Traytors to the Kingdom of Eng­land, and shall be proceeded against as Traytors and Rebels.

Resolved upon the Question

THat this House doth Declare all such persons as are of this Kingdom, that have invited the Army of the Scots, now come into England under Duke Hamilton, to come into this Kingdom, or have assisted that Army, are Traytors, and shall be proceeded against as Traytors.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

ORdered by the Common assembled in Parliament, That these Votes be forthwith printed and published.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, July 24. 1648.

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