RESOLVES OF The COMMONS assembled in Parliament, Concerning such MINISTERS as shall Preach or Pray against the present Government established by Parliament.

Resolved, &c.

I. THat if any Minister shall directly or indirectly preach, or publiquely pray against the Power, Authority or Proceedings of this present Par­liament, or against the present Government established by Authority thereof.

II. Or shall directly or indirectly, in preaching or praying, make mention of Charls Stuart, or Iames Stuart, Sons to the late King, who by judgement of Par­liament are Declared Enemies, and stand excepted from pardon, otherwise then as the Enemies to this Commonwealth; or shall under the Name of the Royal Issue or otherwise, promove any Title or Interest taken away, or declared against by Authority of this Parliament, to the prejudice of this present Government.

III. Or shall not keep and observe days of publique Humiliation or Thanks­giving, appointed or to be appointed by Authority of Parliament; or shall not publish the Acts, Orders or Declarations of Parliament, being enjoyned and di­rected thereunto by Authority of the same, having due notice thereof, without reasonable cause to the contrary shewed, shall be deemed, taken and adjudged Delinquents, and within the respective Orders, Ordinances and Acts touching Sequestration, as to their Ecclesiastical Benefices and Stipends.

And that in all such cases, the Committee of Parliament for plundred Mini­sters, and all other Committees or Commissioners for Sequestration in the respe­ctive Counties and places throughout this Commonwealth, shall have power, and are hereby authorized and enjoyned to take cognizance thereof, and effectu­ally to proceed thereupon accordingly.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the said Instructions be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell,
Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England, Iuly 10. 1649.

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