A Report of the Committee of the Charge against Mathew Wren, Bishop of Ely to the House of COMMONS, Iuly 5th. 1641.
- 1. THAT the sayd Mathew Wren, Bishop of Ely, hath Excommunicated, Deprived, or Banished, within the space of two yeares, fifty Godly, Learned, and painefull Ministers.
- 2. His Practising Superstition in his owne person.
- 3. His causing the Communion Table to be placed Altar-wise, and to be Railed in, and Kneeling, and Consecrating the Bread and Wine, at the West side of the Communion Table, with his back towards the People, and bowing to, or before the same.
- 4. Elevating the Bread, and Wine, high over his head, that the People might see it.
- 5. Causing all the Pewes, or Seates, to be so contrived, as that the People must of necessity kneele with their faces towards the East.
- 6. Imployed his power to restraine powerfull Preaching, forbidding all Sermons on Sundayes after-noone, or in the weeke dayes, without his Lycence, and least expounding the Catechisme, and Common Prayer Booke, should be as bad a Preaching, as he and some of his Officers sayd; therefore he inhibits any manner of exposition, and inioynes [Page 2] onely the bare question and answere in the Common Prayer Booke.
- 7. And to the end the People shall not know where there is any Sermons, Commands all Ringing of Bells to be alike, that so the People may not [...]guish where there is a Sermon, or where there is but Prayers.
- 8. He permitted no Prayer to be sayd before Sermon, but that which is directed in the 39 Cannon, which hath no warrant of Law; and after Sermon suffers no Prayer at all, but onely Gloria Patri, &c.
- 9. He did publish a Booke of Articles, to which the Church Wardens were to be sworne; and these thirty nine Articles containe at least 897 Questions: One whereof was this. Doth any man discourse prophanely at meale time, touching Religion or the holy Scripture?
Another, Doth the Minister Expound the holy Scripture according to the sense of the Ancient Fathers? Which Questions it is believed, would puzzle the deepest learned Church-Warden in England, to answere.
And after some time spent in the debate of the sayd Articles, it was resolved upon the question, and Voted, that it is the opinion of this House, that Mathew Wren Bishop of Ely, is unworthy, and unfit, to hold or exercise any Office or Dignity, in the Church or Common-wealth. And further Voted, that there be a Message sent to the Lords, to desire them to joyne with the Commons, in Petitioning his Majesty, to remove Bishop Wren, both from his person, and Service.