[Page] Die Sabbati 30 o. Decemb. 1643.

ORdered that the Adventurers of this House for Lands in Ireland, and the body of Adventurers in London, doe meete at Grocers-Hall on Thurs­day in the afternoone at two of the clock, and take into their serious consideration by what wayes and meanes the Brittish Army in Ʋl­ster, opposing the Cessation may be maintai­ned and encouraged to proceed in prosecu­tion of that Warre of Ireland against the Re­bels, and to prepare some Propositions to be presented to the House. And the Ministers of the severall Churches and Chappels in and about London, are to signifie this Order in their severall Churches, that all may take spe­ciall notice thereof.

Hen. Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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