ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That VVednesday next come three weeks be set apart and appointed for a day of publique Fasting and Humiliation, for seeking unto Almighty God in an especial maner, for his blessing upon the Forces designed, and now going for the relief of Ireland, to be observed in all Cities, Towns and places in England and Wales, besides the Cities of London and Westminster: And that the Sheriffs of the several Counties in England and Wales, do take care to disperse this Order unto the Ministers of the several Churches aforesaid: And the Iustices of peace in the several counties, are required to take care for the due observation thereof; And that the Ministers do publish this Order in their several Churches, on the Lords day next before the day appointed for the due observation of the said Fast.
London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England, Iuly 7. 1649.