ORdered by the Commons assembled in Par­liament, That VVednesday next come three weeks be set apart and appointed for a day of publique Fasting and Humiliation, for seeking unto Almighty God in an especial maner, for his blessing upon the Forces designed, and now go­ing for the relief of Ireland, to be observed in all Cities, Towns and places in England and Wales, besides the Cities of London and Westminster: And that the Sheriffs of the several Counties in England and Wales, do take care to disperse this Order unto the Ministers of the several Churches aforesaid: And the Iustices of peace in the seve­ral counties, are required to take care for the due observation thereof; And that the Ministers do publish this Order in their several Churches, on the Lords day next before the day appointed for the due observation of the said Fast.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti'.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England, Iuly 7. 1649.

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