ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That on the next Lords day being the Fifth day of December, pub­lique Thanks be given to Almighty God by the respective Ministers within the Cities of London and Westminster, and liberties and parts adjacent within the late Lines of communication, for his great Blessing upon the Parliament Forces in Munster in Ireland, under the Command of the Lord Inchiquine, against a force of the Rebels under the Command of the Lord Taaff▪ obtained the Thir­teenth of this present November▪ 1647. And that on the next Lords day come fortnight the Nineteenth day of December, publique Thanks be likewise given in all the Churches and chappels of Eng­land and Dominion of Wales, by the respective Ministers thereof, for the same Blessing upon the said Forces: It is further Ordered, That upon the said respective Lords days of the Fifth and Nine­teenth of December, there be a Collection in the said Churches and chappels, for Relief of the poor English Protestants driven out of Ireland; and that the Moneys that shall now be collected, be added to the sum formerly collected upon a late Ordinance of Parliament which directs a collection for relief of such poor English Prote­stants; and that the said Moneys now to be collected, be paid in the same maner to the same Treasurers appointed in that Ordinance, and be disposed by Order of the same Committee. It is further Or­dered, That the Lord Major do give timely notice of this Order for a Thanksgiving on the next Lords day, to all the Ministers within the cities of London and Westminster, and late Lines of com­munication: And the respective Knights of the Shires, and Bur­gesses of the several cities and places, are required to send copies of this Order to the several counties, cities and places; and the Mini­sters in the several places are required to move and stir up the peo­ple to a chearful contribution in acknowledgement of their thank­fulness for this great and seasonable Blessing.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London: Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Hono­rable House of Commons. Decemb. 1. 1647.

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