FORBIDDING Any Person whatsoever that is come from Oxford, or any other of the Kings Garisons, to goe Armed while they remaine within the Cities of London, or Westminster, and Lines of Communication.

As also, that the said Persons shall produce their Passes to the Militia of LONDON, before Thursday next, being the Ninth of July, 1646.


H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Cotes, 1646.

Die Jovis, 2 Julii, 1646.

IN Order to the safety of the Parliament and City; It is Ordered by the Com­mons in Parliament assem­bled, That all such Persons of what [Page 4] Degree or Quality soever, Officers, Souldiers and others, as come out of Oxon, or any other of the Kings Ga­risons, while they remaine within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Lines of Communication, shall not go Armed, or keep any Arms in their Lodgings or Houses; and after Nine of the Clock at night not to be out of their Lodgings. That all Persons of what Degree or Quality soever, com­prised within the Articles of Oxon, Exon, and all other Garrisons that are already come to the Cities of London and Westminster, and Places within the Lines of Communication, shall before Thursday next, being the ninth day of this instant Moneth of July, repaire to Guild-hall, London, and shall there in presence of any three of [Page 5] the Committee of the Militia of the City of London, produce their Passes, and shall according to the Articles, engage themselves by promise not to beare Armes against the Parliament, nor wilfully doe any Act prejudiciall to their Affaires, so long as they re­main in their Quarters. And that all Persons of what degree or quality so­ever comprised within any of the said Articles as shall hereafter come with­in the said Cities and Lines of Com­munication shall within four dayes af­ter their comming, repaire to Guild­hall, London, and shall there likewise produce their Passes, and make the like engagements: And the Committee of the Militia, or any three of them, are hereby authorized to receive the said engagements, and take the respective [Page 6] Subscriptions of the Persons; and for this purpose are to sit constantly three dayes in the week; Ʋiz. Mondayes, Wednesdayes, and Fridayes, between the houres of Three & Seven in the af­ternoon. And lastly it is Ordered that such of the Persons comprised within any of the said Articles, as shall neg­lect or refuse to observe this Order, or do anything contrary to the said Ar­ticles, shall forfeit the benefit of the said Articles. And this to be Printed, and published by sound of Trumpet, or beat of Drum: And the Com­mittee of the Militia of London is de­sired to take care that this be so publi­shed accordingly.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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