AN IMPEACHMENT OF HIGH TREASON Exhibited in PARLIAMENT, Against James, LORD STRANGE, Son and Heire apparant of William, Earle of Derby, by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves, and all the Commons of England.

VVith an Order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the apprehending of the said Lord, to be published in all Churches, and Chappels, Markets and Townes, in the County of Lancaster and Chester.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled, that this Im­peachment, with the Order, shall be forthwith Printed and pub­lishe.

John Browne Cler. Parliament.

Septemb. 17. London Printed for John Wright, 1642.

WHereas the Lord Strange, having continued a long time, and still remaining in actuall Re­bellion against his Majesty, and Parliament, is for the same Impeached of high Treason by the House of Commons, in the name of themselves, and al the Commons of England. It is therefore Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parlia­ment, that publication thereof bee made in all Churches and Chappels, by the Curats and Church-Wardens thereof, and in all Markets and Townes, by the Constables and Officers of the Townes within the Counties of Lancaster and Chester, to the end that all his Maiesties loving Subiects may have notice thetof, lest they being deceived by the specious preten­ces made by the Lord Strange, should assist him with men, money, munition, or any other Provision, and so make themselves guilty of the like Treason and Rebellion, and all Sheriffs, and other his Maiesties subiects are hereby required to doe their best endea­vour for the apprehension of the said Lord, and the bringing him up to the Parliament, thereto receive condigne Punishment according to his demerits.


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