THE Commons assembled in Parliament do Declare, That these Acts following, that is to say, An Act for securing the Protestant Religion, and encouragement and setling of the Learned and Pious Ministry, and both the Universities in order thereunto, with a due care of tender Consciences; One other General Act for Oblivion, Indempnity and Free Pardon; An Act for Confirmation of Judicial Proceedings in the Ordinary Courts of Justice; An Act touching the Confirmation of Grants and Sales, and An Act for securing unto the Army and Navy their Arrears, are already under Consideration, and that a good progress is made in them, and Directions given for the speedy perfecting of them.
Tuesday, May 8. 1660.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed by EDWARD HUSBANDS and THOMAS NEWCOME, Printers to the Commons House of Parliament.