London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons. 1648.
WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament, entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for setling the Iurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty, dated the 12 of April, 1648. It is Ordered and Ordained, That all Causes which concern the repairing, victualling and furnishing provisions for the setting of Ships or Vessels to Sea; and all Causes of Bottomrey, and likewise all Causes of Contracts made beyond the Seas, concerning Shipping or Navigation, or Damages happening thereon, or other Damages arising at Sea in any Voyage; and [Page 4]likewise all Causes of Charter, Parties or Contracts for Fraight, Bills of Lading, Marriners wages, or Damages in Goods Laden aboard Ships, or other Damages done by one Ship or Vessel to another, or by Anchors, or want of laying of Buoys, be within the Cognizance and Iurisdiction of the Admiralty Court; and that the said Court may proceed therein, according to the power and directions in the said Ordinance given. Now whereas there is a Question made, VVhether the Causes now lying under prohibitions still undetermined, notwithstanding they are of the same nature with these aforesaid, and comprehended in the said Ordinance, shall be proceeded in, and finally determined by the Iudges of the Admiralty, [Page 5]or Iudges Delegates, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Ordinance, as well as those Causes which are and shall be begun since the date of the said Ordinance; It is Ordered and Declared by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That all Causes which have now long lain under prohibitions, by reason of the unsettlement of that Iurisdiction, be proceeded in, and finally determined, and the Decrees and Sentences put in execution, according to the directions given in the said Ordinance, and true meaning and intent thereof, as well as those that are or shall be begun since the making of the same: And that the Iudges of the Admiralty appointed in the said late Ordinance; And likewise the Iudges Delegates nominated [Page 6]under the Great-Seal, or that from time to time hereafter shall be appointed and nominated, do and may proceed therein, and finally determine the same, and the Decrees and Sentences put in execution accordingly. And that it is further Ordered and Declared by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That those Causes that are or shall be begun during the three years limited in the said Ordinance, be not molested or interrupted by prohibitions, though not fully determined within the three years limited therein, being comprehended as aforesaid within the said Ordinance: