[Page] A BREIF COLLECTJON, OF SOME FORGOTTEN VOTES of the Commons alone; of the Lords and Commons Joyntly, and Ordinances of both Houses, reprinted to refresh their Memories, and prevent all dishonourable and unjust Actions, repugnant to all, or any of them.
An exact Colection of all Remonstrances &c P. 190. 191. The Uotes of the Commons in Parliament Die Iovis 12. Maii 1642.
THat this House doth declare, that if any person whatsoever shall arrest or imprison the persons of the Lords and Gentlemen, or any of them, or any other of the Members of either House of Parliament, that shal be imployed in the service of both Houses of Parliament, or, shall offer violence to them, or any of them for doing any thing in pursuance of the Commands or Instructions of both Houses, shall be held disturbers of the proceedings of Parliament, and publique Enemies of the State. And that all persons are bound by their protestation to endeavour to bring them to condigne punishment.
RESOLVED &c. That this House doth declare, that those of the Citie of London, and all other persons that have obeyed the Ordinance for the Militia, and done any thing in execution thereof, have done according to the Law of the Land, and in pursuance of what they were commanded by both Houses of Parliament, And for the defence of the King and Kingdome, and shall have the Assistance of both Houses of Parliament against any that shall presume to question them for yeilding their obedience unto the said Commands in this necessary and important service. And that whosoever shall obey the said Ordinance for the time to come, shall receive the same approbation and Assistance from both Houses of Parliament.
Junii▪ 1642.
P. 335. The Message of the
Lords to the House of
Commons, upon the Lord
Willoughby of
Parham, his letter and service in the execution of the Ordinance concerning the
THe Lords have thought fit to let you know, how much they value and approve the endeavours of this Lord in a service so much importing the safety of this Kingdome, and they doubt not of your readinesse to concurre with them upon all occasions to manifest the sence they have, and shall retaine of his deservings, which appeares the greater, by how much the difficulties (by those Circumstances you have heard read;) have bin greater And as my Lords resolve to make his Interest their owne, in this service for the publique good and safety of this Kingdome, so they desire you to joyne with them, in so good and necessary a work.
Resolved by the House of Commons to joyne with the Lords in this vote.
A Collection of all the publique orders &c. Lond. 1646. P. 38. Die Martis 18▪ Aprilis 1643.
REsolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that the said Houses do declare, that they do take it a an acceptable service in those Citizens, or others who shall list themselves under the Command of Sheriffe Langham, or such as he shall appoint, for the better security of the Citty of London, and the Counties adjacent. And the said Sheriffe is hereby desired, to improve his interest and authority for the speedy advancing of so necessery a Service.
P. 34.
Die Mercurii 12▪
Aprilis 1643.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the Committee for the
Militia of
London, shall have full power and Authority to raise new Regiments of Voluntiers, as well with in the said Liberties, as without.
WHereas for better defence and safety of the City of London, WHEREON THE SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THIS PRESENT PARLIAMENT, and therein OF OVR RELIGION, LAWES, AND LIBERTIES, DO SO MVCH DEPEND, divers well affected Persons by approbation of the Committee for the Militia there, have with great care and industry; as well within the City and Liberties, as without in the Neighbour Parishes, obtained divers subscriptions for considerable numbers of honest and trusty Persons not imployed in the Militia or Trained Bands, as also for Horse and Armes, to intard the same might as necessary materialls be in readinesse to help forwards the preparations for A publick defence, in this time of eminent danger, &c. It is further ordered, declared and ordained; that as the good endeavours of the said Committee of the Militia, the Persons trusted by them, and those whom they have imployed in procuring the said Subscriptions, as also of the Subscribers, and others who have contributed, or shall concurre with them in forwarding and profiting of the said work, are and shall taken acceptable testimonies of their publick Spirits and reall good intentions for the Common good and safety, and the execution of the same, a good service to the Common-wealth. So the said parties shall be by the power of Parliament saved harmelesse, both for what according to the true meaning of the premises they have done, and shall doe herein for time to come.
Ibid. P. 23 in the Appendix. Die Lunae 2 Martii 1645
THat the Actions of the City of London, or of any other Person whatsoever for the defence of the Parliament or the Priviledges thereof or the preservation of the Members thereof, are according to their duty, and to their late Protestation, and the Lawes of the Kingdome; and if any person shall arrest or trouble any of them for so doing, he is declared to be a publique Enemie of the Common wealth.
Resolved &c. That this Vote shall be made knowne to the Common-Councell of the City of London.
LONDON, Printed in the yeare Anno Dom. 1647.