Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, in maintenance of the Accusation against William Laud Archbishop of Canterbury, whereby he stands charged with high Treason.
1. THat he hath Traiterously endeavoured to subvert the Fundamentall Laws, and Government of the Kingdome of England, and in stead thereof to introduce an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government against Law, and to that end hath wickedly and Traiterously advised his Majesty, that he might at his owne will and pleasure leavy and take money of his subjects, without their consent in Parliament, and this he affirmed, was warrantable by the Law of God.
2. He hath for the better accomplishment of that his Traiterous designe, advised and proeured divers Sermons and other discourses, to be preached, Printed, and published, in which the authority of Parliaments, and the force of the Lawes of the Kingdome are denyed, and an absolute and unlimited power over the Persons and Estates of his Majesties Subjects, is maintained and defended, not onely in the King, but also in himselfe and other Bishops, above and against the Law, and he hath bin a great protector, favourer, and promoter of the publishers of such false and pernicious opinions.
3. He hath by Letters, Messages, Threats, promises, and divers other wayes to Iudges and other Ministers of Iustice; interrupted and perverted, and at other times by the meanes aforesaid, hath endeavoured to interrupt and pervert the course of Iustice, in his Majesties Courts at Westminster, and other [Page 2]Courts, to the subversion of the Lawes of this Kingdome, whereby sundry of his Majesties Subjects have beene stopt in their just suits, and deprived of their lawfull rights, and subjected to his Tyrannicall will, to their utter ruine & destruction.
4. That the said Archbishop, hath Traiterously and corruptly sold justice to those that have had causes depending before him, by colour of his Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction, as Archbishop, High Commissioner, Refaree or otherwise, and hath taken unlawfull Gifts and Bribes of his Majesties Subjects, and hath as much as in him lyeth, endeavoured to coreupt other Courts of Iustice, by advising his Majesty to sell places of judicature and other Offices, and procuring the sale of them contrary to the Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe.
5. He hath Traiterously caused a Booke of Canons to bee composed and published, and these Canons to be put in execution, without any lawfull warrant and authority in that behalf; In which pretended Canons, many matters are contained, contrary to the kings Prerogative, to the Fundamentall Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, to the right of Parliament, to the propriety and liberty of the Subjects, & matters tending to sedition, and of dangerous consequence, & to the Establishment of a vast unlawfull, and presumptuous power in himselfe, and his Successors; many of which Canons, by the practice of the said Archbishop, were surreptitiously passed in the late Convocation, without due consideration and debate, others by feare and compulsion were subscribed to by the Prelats and Clerks there assembled, which had never beene voted and passed in the convocation as they ought to have beene, and the said, Archbishop hath contrived and endeavoured, to assure and confirme the unlawfull and exorbitant power, which he hath usurped and exercised over his Majesties Subjects, by a wicked and ungodly Oath in one of the said pretended Canons, enjoyned to be taken by all the Clergy, and many of the Laity of this Kingdome.
6. He hath Traiterously assumed to himselfe, a Papall and [Page 3]Tyrannicall power, both in Ecclesiasticall and Temporall matters, over his Majesties Subjects in this Realme of England, and in other places, to the disherrison of the Crowne, dishonour of his Majesty, and derogation of his supreame Authority in Ecclesiasticall matters.
And the said Archbishop claimes the Kings Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction, as incident to his Episcopall and Archi-episcopall Office in this Kingdome, and doth deny the same to be derived from the crowne of England, which he hath accordingly exercised to the high contempt of his Royall Majesty, and to the destruction of divers of the Kings Liege-people, in their persons and Estates.
7. That he hath Traiterously endeavoured to alter and subvert Gods true Religion, by Law established in this Realme, and in stead thereof to set up Popish superstition and Idolatry: And to that end, hath declared and maintained in speeches and printed, Bookes, divers Popish doctrines and opinions, contrary to the Articles of Religion established. He hath urged and injoyned divers Popish and superstitious Ceremonies without any warrant of Law, and hath cruelly persecuted those who have opposed the same, by corporall, punishment and imprisonment, and most unjustly vexed others who refused to comforme thereunto, by Ecclesiasticall Censures of Excommunication, Suspension, Deprivation, & Derogation, contrary to the Law of, this Kingdome.
8. That for the better advancing of his Traiterous purpose and designe, he did abuse the great power and trust his Majesty reposed in him, and did, intrude upon the places of divers great Offcers, and upon the right of other his Majesties Subjects, wherby he did procure to himself nomination of sundry persons, to Ecclesiasticall Dignities, Pro [...]tions, and Benefices, belonging to his Majesty, and divers of the Nobility, Clergy, & others, and hath taken upon him the commendation of Chaplaines to the King, by which meanes he hath preferred to his Majestie service, and to other great promotions in the [Page 4]Church, such as have bin Popishly affected, or otherwise unsound and corrupt both in Doctrine and Manners.
9. He hath for the same Traiterous and wicked intent, chosen & imployed such men to be his Chaplaines, whom he knew to be notoriously disaffected to the reformed Religion, grossely addicted to Popish superstition, and Erroneous and unsound both in judgement and practise, and to them or some of them, he hath committed the Lycensing of Bookes to be printed, by which meanes, divers false and Superstitious Bookes have beene published, to the great scandall of Religion, and to the seducing of many of his Majesties Subjects.
10. He hath Traiterously and wickedly endeavoured to reconcile the Church of England, with the Church of Rome, and for the effecting thereof, hath consorted and confederated with divers popish Priests and Iesuits, and hath kept secret intelligence with the Pope of Rome, and by himselfe his Agents or Instruments treated with such as have from thence received authority and instruction, he hath permitted and countenanted a Popish Hierarchie or Ecclesiasticall Government, to be established, in this Kingdom, by al which Traiterous & malicious practises, this Church & Kingdome hath beene exceedingly endangered & like to fal under the tyranny of the Roman See.
11. He in his owne person and his Suffragans, Visiters, Surrogates, Chancellors, or other Officers, by his command, have caused divers learned, pious, and Orthodox Preachers of Gods Word, to be Silenced, Suspended, Deprived, Degraded, Excommunicated, or otherwise grieved and vexed without any just and lawfull cause, whereby, and by divers other meanes he hath hindred the preaching of Gods Word, caused divers of his Majesties loyall Subjects to forsake the Kingdome, and increased and cherished ignorance & prophanenesse amongst the people, that so he might the better facilitate the way to the effecting of his owne wicked and Traiterous designe of altering and corrupting the true Religion here established.
12. He hath Traiterously endeavoured to cause division and discord betweene the Church of England and other Reformed Churches, and to that end hath supprest and abrogated the priviledges & immunities which have beene by His Majesty and His Royall Ancestors granted to the French and Dutch Churches in this Kingdome, and divers other wayes hath expressed his malice and disaffection to those Churches, that so by such disunion, the Papists might have more advantage for the overthrow and extirpation of both.
13. He hath maliciously and Traiterously plotted and endeavoured to stir up war and enmity betwixt His Majesties two Kingdomes of England and Scotland, and to that purpose hath laboured to introduce into the Kingdome of Scotland, diverse innovations both in Religion and Government, all or the most part tending to Popery and Superstition, to the great grievance and discontent of His Majesties Subjects of that Nation, and for their refusing to submit to such innovations, he did Traiterously advise His Majesty to subdue them by force of Armes, and by his owne Authority and Power contrary to law, did procure sundry of His Majesties Subjects, and enforced the Clergie of this Kingdome to contribute towards the maintenance of that war, and when his Majesty with much wisdome and justice had made a pacification betwixt the two Kingdomes, the said Arch-Bishop by his councell and endeavours did presumptuously censure that pacification as dishonourable to His Majesty, and incense His Majesty against his said Subjects of Scotland, that he did thereupon by advice of the said Arch-Bishop enter into an offensive warre against them, to the great hazard of His Majesties Person, and Subjects of both Kingdomes.
14. That to preserve himselfe from being questioned for these and other his Traiterous courses, he hath laboured to subvert the rights of Parliaments, and the Ancient course of Parliamentary proceedings, and by false and malicious slanders to incense His Majesty against Parliaments.
By which words, Councells, and Actions, he hath Traiterously and contrary to his Allegiance, laboured to alienate the hearts of the Kings Liege people from His Majesty, [...] set a division betweene them, and to ruine and destroy His Majesties Kingdomes, for which they doe impeach him of high Treason, against Our Soveraigne Lord the King, His Crowne and Dignity.
The said Commons doe further averre, That the said William, Archbishop of Canterbury, during the time in which the Treasons and Offences aforementioned were committed, hath beene a Bishop or Archbishop in this Realme of England, one of the Kings Commissioners for Ecclesiasticall matters, and of his Majesties most Honourable Privie Councell, and that he hath taken an Oath for his faithfull discharge of the said Office of a Councellour, and hath likewise taken the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance. And the said Commons by Protestation, saving to themselves the liberty of Exhibiting at any time hereafter, any other Accusation or Impeachment against the said Archbishop, and also of replying to the answers that the said Archbishop shall make unto the said Articles, or to any of them, and of offering further proofe also of the premises, or any of them, as the case shall according to the course of Parliaments require, do pray, that the said Archbishop may be put to answer to all and every the premises, and that such proceedings, Examination, Tryall, and Judgement, may be upon every of them, had, and used, as is agreeable to Law and Justice.