
❧ By the Parliament.

WHEREAS John Lambert Esq; being Commanded by the Parliament to repair to one of his Dwelling-Houses, most remote from the City of London, in Order to the Quiet and Peace of this Common-wealth, and afterwards upon Request made on his behalf, was Ordered to Repair to Holmeby in the County of North­ampton, there to remain and abide during the pleasure of Parliament: To which Command the said John Lambert hath not submitted, but doth, or did lately lie privately in and about the City of London (as is informed) and is vehemently suspected to have Promoted, Countenanced, and Abetted the Late Mutiny and Tumult at Somerset House in the Strand, upon the second Day of February, One Thousand six Hundred fifty nine. It is therefore Ordered, That the said John Lambert do render himself by Thursday next to the Council of State to give an Ac­count of his Contempt of the Order of Parliament, and in Default thereof the Estate Reall and Personal of the said John Lambert, is to be Seized and Sequestred to and for the Vse of the Common-wealth: And the Commissioners of Sequestrations sitting at Haberdashers Hall in London are hereby Commanded to Sequester the same accordingly. And It is further Ordered, That this present Order be Proclaimed and Published in Westminster according to usual Course.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Published.

Thomas St. Nicholas, Clerk of the Parliament.

LONDON, Printed by John Streater, and John Macock, Printers to the Parliament. 1659.

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