TWO ORDINANCES OF The Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT; VIZ.

The first, enabling the Committee of the Admiralty to grant Commissions to such Mer­chants as shall set out Ships at their own charge; And the said Merchants to have Letters of Mart to take all Ships, Goods and Merchandize of any persons whatsoever in Arms against the King and Parliament, or assisting the Rebels in Ireland.

The second, for the Sequestring of the Estates of Spyes and Intelligencers; And the Fifth part of such Estate to be given to such per­sons as discover them.

Also, an ORDER to prevent such persons as are committed to Prison by Authority of Parliament, from going abroad without Order from the said Authority.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That these Or­dinances and Order be forthwith printed & published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Printed for Edw. Husbands. November 10. 1643.

Die Martis, 24 October, 1643. An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament, for en­abling the Committee of Admiralty to grant Commissions to such MERCHANTS, &c.

THe Lords and Commons in Parlia­ment having received certain notice of a cessation of Arms concluded with the Rebells in Jreland, And of a pur­pose to send an Army from thence into this Kingdom against the Forces of the King and Parliament, for the mainte­nance of the Popish Hierarchy, and the utter Ruine of Religion in all His Maje­sties Dominions, if God prevent not. It [Page 4]is Ordered, That all such Merchants, and others who shall be willing to set out Ships at their own charge, shall have Letters of Mart to take all the Ships, Goods, and Merchandize, of any per­son or persons whatsoever in Arms a­gainst the King and Parliament, and not within the protection of Parliament, or that shall be ayding or assisting to the Re­bells of that Kingdom, or of any other in Arms against the Parliament in either of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, or Jreland; And the Committee of the Admiralty are required to grant Com­missions to such persons accordingly.

Ordered that this Order be printed and pub­lished, and set upon the Exchange.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Martis, October 31. 1643. A Declaration and Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament; For Sequestring the Estates of Spyes and Intelligencers; and the Fifth part of such Estate to be given to such persons as discover them.

WHereas by the frequent Intercourse of Persons and Intelligence) contrary to the use and cu­stome of War) between the Cities of London and Westminster, and other parts of the Kingdom, and the persons of the King and queen, and Forces raised by the King against the Parliament and Kingdom; opportunity hath been given for the plotting and con­triving the late treacherous and horrid Design; and [Page 6]in case the said Intercourse and Intelligence should con­tinue, the same way will still be open for any other of the like nature in time to come; As also for the fre­quent conveying of Monies, and other Provisions for the supporting of this unnaturall War: For the pre­venting whereof, be it Declared and Ordained by the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, That no person or persons whatsoever, shall from hence­forth repair or go from the said Cities of London and Westminster, or from any other parts of the King­dom, unto the person of the King or queen, or Lords of Councell, abiding with him or her, or to any person or persons within any of the Kings quarters, leaguers or Garrisons, or that are within any of the Armies raised by the King; nor shall give or hold any Intelli­gence by Letters, Messages or otherwise, with the per­sons of the King and queen, or other persons aforesaid, without consent of both Houses of Parliament, or War­rant from the Lord Generall of the Forces raised by the two Houses, or from the respective Officers that shall command in chief any of the Forces. And the said Lords and Commons do further declare, That the per­son or persons who shall do to the contrary hereof, shall be proceeded against, as those within the Ordinance for Sequestration. And shall be further accounted, as per­sons [Page 7]that do adhere unto those that have levied War against the Parliament and Kingdom, and be liable to the same punishment. And be it further declared and Ordained, for the better and more effectuall execution of the premises, That the person or persons that shall discover any of the persons offending as aforesaid, shall have one Fifth part of all such benefits and profits that shall acrue, or grow, by reason of the seizing and sequestring of their Estates, according to the true in­tent and meaning of this Ordinance, and of the said Ordinance of Sequestration. And in case any person or persons after the last of Iune, having knowledge of the said offenders and offences, shall not within convenient time reveal the same unto the Speakers of both Hou­ses of Parliament, or to the Lord Generall, or other Officers commanding in chief, the said person or per­sons shall incur the like penalties and forfeitures as are herein provided, against the said principall offenders.

Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration and Ordinance bee forthwith printed and published.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Martis, Octob. 31. 1643.

IT is this day Ordered by the Com­mons assembled in Parliament, That whatsoever Prisoner is committed by this House, or by any Authority derived from this House to any Prison, and permitted to go abroad without the Order of this House, or of others Au­thorised by them; That it shall be taken as an Escape, and that the Keepers be proceeded against accordingly for the same.

And this Order is to be printed and published, and sent to every Prison.

H: Elsyng. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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