THREE ORDINANCES OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.

For the better observation of the monethly Fast; and more especially the next Wednesday, commonly called the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, Thorowout the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed, and published on the next Lords day in all the Churches and Chappels within the line of communication, and bils of mortality.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for I. Wright in the Old baily, Decemb. 21. 1644.

WHereas some doubts have been raised whether the next Fast shall be celebrated, be­cause it falleth on the day which heretofore was usu­ally called the feast of the Nativity of our Saviour, The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled doe or­der and ordaine that publique notice be gi­ven that the Fast appointed to be kept on the last Wednesday in every moneth ought to be observed untill it be otherwise ordered by both houses of Parliament: And that this day in particular is to be kept with the more solemne humiliation, because it may call to remembrance our sinnes, and the sins of our forefathers, who have turned this [Page 4] Feast, pretending the Memory of Christ, in­to an extreame forgetfulnesse of him, by giving liberty to carnall and sensuall de­lights, being contrary to the life which Christ himselfe led here upon earth, and to the spirituall life of Christ in our soules, for the sanctifying and saving whereof Christ was pleased both to take a humane life, and to lay it down againe.

An Ordinnnce of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, for the better observation of the monethly Fast. 24 Aug. 1642.

WHeras the Kings most excellent Majesty, upon the request of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, & by and with their advise and consent, considering the lamen­table and distressed condition of His good Subjects in the Kingdome of Ireland; (that there may be a gene­rall humiliation of all the estates of this Kingdome be­fore [Page 5] Almighty God in Fasting and Prayer) was graci­ously pleased to Command the kéeping of a monethly Fast; and to the end that all persons might the better take notice thereof (and to leave such without excuse as should not duly kéep and observe the same) did afterward by his Proclamation of the 8 of January 1641 appoint that the same should be generally, publike­ly, and solemnly holden and kept, as well by absti­nence from Food, as by publike Prayers, Preach­ing, and Hearing of the Word of God, and other Religious and holy Duties in all Cathedrals, Col­legiate, and Parish Churches, and Chappels within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales (without any exception) on the last Wednesday of every Moneth, to continue during the troubles in the said Kingdome of Ireland: All which His Majesty did strait­ly charge and command should bee reverently and de­voutly performed by all His Subjects, as they desire the blessing of Almighty God, and would avoid his heavie indignation against this Land and People; and upon paine of such punishments as may justly be inflicted upon all such as shall contemne or neglect so Religious a work and duty.

And whereas the Lords and Commons in both Hou­ses of Parliament, have received divers Informations from severall parts of this Kingdome and Dominion of Wales, of the great neglect of the due observation and kéeping of the said Fast upon the daies appointed, and of the prophanations of the same by many irreligious, iil-affected, loose, and scandalous persons, as well of the Clergy as others, who are so farre from afflicting their soules, and loosing the hands of wickednesse, as that [Page 6] they provoke the wrath of Almighty God, and make so pious a meanes to procure his blessings, the occasion of greater Iudgements.

For the prevention whereof for time to come, the Lords and Commons doe Order, Declare, Ordaine, that in all and every the Cathedrals, Collegiate, and Parish Churches, and Chappels within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, (without any ex­ception) upon every Lords day, next and immediately before any the dayes appointed for the said publike Fast, the Parson Vicar, Curate, or Minister, that upon that day shall officiate, or exercise in any of the said Cathedrals Collegiate, Parish Churches, or Chap­pels, shall give publike notice in every of the said Ca­thedrals, Collegiate, Parish Churches, or Chappels respectively, of the Fast day next ensuing immediately after Sermon or Prayer ended in the forenoon before the Congregation be dismissed, earnestly exhorting and perswading all the people to the solemne due keeping and religious observation of the whole day appointed for the said Fast, and that they would repaire to some Church or Chappell, there diligently and reve­rently to attend all such holy Duties as shall be used in the observance of the same; that they forbeare to use all manner of Sports and Pastimes whatsoever, and their ordinary Trades and Callings upon the said day, as well Carriers, Waggoners, Carters, Waynmen, Drovers, Butchers, Hucksters, Shopkéepers, La­bourers, or any other using any Art, Trade, Mystery, or Manuall Occupation whatsoever, and that all Vintuers, Taverners, Alehouse-kéepers, and keepers of Victualling-houses, doe forbeare to keep open their Doores, Bulks, or Shops, or to sell or utter (except in [Page 7] cases of extream necessity) any Wine, Beere, Ale, or victu­all, till the publike Excercises, and religious Duties of that day in the respective Cathedrals, Collegiate, Parish Churches and Chappels be past and over.

And lastly, all and every the Iustices of the Peace, Maiors, Bailiffes, Constables, Church-wardens, and other Officers inhabiting or residing within the limits or precincts of any such Cathedrall Collegiate, Parish Church or Chappell, are hereby required to take speciall notice as well of such Parsons, Vicar, Curate, or other Minister that ought to officiate in any of the said Cathe­drals, Collegiate, and Parish Churches or Chappels, upon any such day appointed for any such Fast, that shall either refuse or neglect to doe the same, or not doe or cause the same to be done in that religious and solemne manner as it ought to be, or that shall refuse to give notice of the Fast day at the time, and in the manner as aforesaid, and forthwith to returne their names, and the names of all such (from time to time) as shall wilfully offend herein, in contempt of the Laws, His Maiesty, and both Houses of Parliament, unto some one or more of the Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses that serve for the County where such offence is or shall be committed, that some speedy course may be taken for the severe punishing of such as shall offend herein, according to the Laws.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

WHereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament, have made an Ordinance for the more strict and solemne keeping of the daies of publike Fast, which are not by all persons duely observed, even in these times of publike calamity, to the great dishonour of God, and the contempt of the authority of both houses of Parliament.

Now that more particular notice may be given to all such that shall offend herein, before any exemplary pu­nishment be inflicted upon them, It is ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that all Constables (or their deputies shal the day before every publike Fast repaire to every house within their severall and respe­ctive Liberties, and charge all persons, that they strictly observe the Fast, according to the directions in the said Ordinance.

And they shal upon the said daies of the publike Fast, walke through their said Liberties, diligently searching for, and taking notice of all persons, who either by fol­lowing the worke of their calling, or sitting in Tavernes, Victualling, or Alehouses, or any other waies shall not duely observe the same, and they are hereby required, to return the names of all such persons as they shal finde so offending, as also such informations as they shall receive against any other persons within their Liberties guilty of the least offence unto the Committee for Examinations, that so they may be proceeded against for the contempt of the said Ordinance, and all Constables are to observe these directions from time to time, so long as the said publike Fast shall be kept, without expecting any further Order.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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