
RESOLVES of PARLIAMENT, Touching the LORD GENERALS taking and Subscribing the ENGAGEMENT.

Resolved upon the Question by the Parliament,

THat the Parliament doth Declare, That Thomas Lord Fairfax, General of the Parliament Forces, having taken and Sub­scribed the Engagement appointed for the Members of the Councel of State; viz.

I A. B. being nominated a Member of the Councel of State by this present Parliament, Do testifie, That I do adhere to this present Parliament, in the Maintenance and Defence of the publique Liberty and Freedom of this Nation, as it is now Declared by this Parliament, by whose Authority I am constituted a Member of the said Councel, and in the Maintenance and Defence of their Resolutions concerning the setling the Government of this Nation for future, in the way of a Republique, without a King or House of Peers: And I do promise in the sight of God, That through his Grace, I will be faithful in performance of the Trust committed to me as aforesaid, and therein faithfully pursue the Instructions given to the said Councel by this present Parliament. In confirmation of the premises, I have hereunto Subscribed my Name.

His said taking and subscribing, is a taking of the Engagement within the Act of Parliament, entituled, An Act for Subscribing the Engagement.

Resolved, &c.

That Mr. Speaker do send this Vote to the General in a Letter, and to return unto him the hearty thanks of this House, for his great care in causing the Orders to be put in Execution touching the taking the Engagement by the Army and Garisons, and the returns of these Subscriptions.

ORdered by the Parliament, That these Votes be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1649.

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