
Die Jovis, 18 Julii, 1650. Resolves of Parliament, For the suspending and making void of all Licenses granted or to be granted to any persons comprised within the late Act for Removing Delinquents from London and Westminster, and twenty Miles thereof.

Resolved by the Parliament,

THat all Licenses already granted, or which shall be granted by any Iustices of Peace to any person or persons comprised within an Act of this present Parliament, (Entituled, An Act for removing all Papists, and all Officers and Soldiers of Fortune, and divers other Delinquents from London and VVestminster, and confining them within Five miles of their Dwellings, and for Encouragement of such as discover Priests and Jesuits, their Receivers and Abettors) by force of any Clause or Proviso within the said Act, giving liberty to any of the said persons to come unto the Cities of London or Westminster, or the late Lines of Communication, or within Twenty miles thereof, be, from and after the Five and twentieth of Iuly instant, suspended and made void; and no other LiĀ­cense or Licenses shall be granted by any Iustices of Peace, by vertue of the said Act, or any thing therein contained, for the coming of any the aforesaid persons to London, Westminster, or within the late Lines of Communication, or Twenty miles thereof, until the First of October next; And that all such persons be Enjoyned, at or before the said Five and twentieth of Iuly instant, to depart out of the Limits aforesaid, under the penalties in the said Act expressed, notwithstanding any such Licenses.

Resolved, &c.

That this Act be forthwith printed and published:

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1650.

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