
Die Mercurii, 2 o Octobr. 1650. RESOLVES of Parliament, Concerning RATES for Composition of Delinquents.

THe House this day, according to former Order, proceeded in the Debate of the Report made from the Committee of the Army touching Delinquents:

REsolved upon the question by the Parliament, That all such Delinquents whose Compositions having been set, have not paid in all or any part thereof at the times limited, and for non-payment have incurred the Penalties for­merly imposed, and shall pay in their whole Fines, or such part thereof as yet remains unpaid, with Interest for the same since the time the same should have been paid; viz. All such whose Habitations are within Fourscore miles of London, before the Tenth day of November next ensuing; And all other at a greater distance, before the Four and twentieth day of November aforesaid, shall be discharged from the said Penalties: And the Commissio­ners for Compounding with Delinquents, are Ordered to return to the Parliament, or such as they shall appoint to receive the same, the Names of all such Delinquents as shall not within the respective days herein before limited, pay in the whole Fine imposed on them, with Interest as aforesaid, in order to the speedy Sale of their Estates.

Resolved, That for the enabling such Delinquents to perfect their Compositions as are willing to Compound, The said Commissioners be impowered, if it shall appear to the said Commissioners that a Delinquent is not able to raise his Fine without Sale of some part of his Estate, To give a full discharge to such reasonable proportion of the Estate as they shall think fit to give way to the Sale of, towards the raising of such Fine as is or shall be imposed, so as the residue of his Estate shall be lyable to make good any Forfeiture which the Delinquent shall incur by under­valuing any part of the Estate Compounded for; Provided License be obtained from the said Commissioners, and the Fines paid within the times limited by means of such Sale.

Resolved, That all such Delinquents, who upon the setting of their Fines have had Saving to certain parts of their Estates, under several pretences, that the said Estates were litigious, Shall have liberty to Compound for such part of their Estates so saved and reserved, at the same Rate and Value that they Compounded for the other part of their Estates, if they shall perfect the same within the times limited; viz. All such Delinquents as are inhabiting within Eighty miles of London, before the Tenth day of November next ensuing, and all others further distant be­fore the Four and twentieth of November aforesaid; And in default thereof, the Estate of any person or persons so saved or reserved, shall be lyable to be sold as the Lands of other Delinquents uncompounded for, unless the Com­missioners for Compositions, &c. shall upon good cause shewn give further time for such saving or Reservations to continue.

Resolved, That all such Delinquents, whose Compositions have been set, as shall within the respective times before mentioned discover to the said Commissioners any part of their Estate, which at the time of their Composition was under-valued or concealed, & ought to havebeen Compounded for (shal in such case where no Information is depending, or Judgement given) be admitted to Compound for such part of his or their Estate so under-valued or concealed as aforesaid, according to the Rates and Proportions at which they did formerly Compound, so as they pay in their whole Moneys before the Four and twentieth day of November next ensuing; And that all such Delinquent against whom any Information is depending or Judgement given, or who shall be discovered by Information of any other person then themselves within the times before limited, shall be admitted to Compound at the Rates and Proportions following; viz. Every person who hath formerly Compounded at a Tenth part of their Estates, shal [...] Compound at a full Sixth part of what is so undervalued or omitted; Every person who hath Compounded formerly at a Sixth part, shall pay one full Third part; And all such who formerly did Compound at a Third, shall pay one full Moyety of what is concealed or under-valued respectively, according to the present Rules for Compositions so as the said persons do pay the whole Fines to be imposed upon such omissions or under-valuations before the said Four and twentieth of November.

Ordered by the Parliament, That these Votes be forthwith Printed and Published; And that it be referred to the Com­missioners for Compounding, to take care the same be sent to the Sheriffs in the respective Counties, who are enjoyn­ed and required immediately after receipt thereof, to publish the same, or cause them to be published in all Cities Boroughs and Market-Towns, and affixed and set up in the places accustomed.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1650.

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