Die Martis 26. April. 1642.

Resolved upon the question.

THat Sir Iohn Hotham Knight, according to this relation, hath done nothing but in Obedience to the Command of both Houses of Parliament.

Resolved upon the question.

That this declaring of Sir Iohn Hotham Traitor, being a Member of the House of Commons, is a high breach of the Priviledge of Parliament.

Resolved upon the question.

That this Declaring of Sir Iohn Hotham Traitor without due processe of Law, is against the Libertie of the Subject, and against the Law of the Land.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament that these Votes shall be printed, and sent to the Sheriffs and the Justices of the Peace, to be published in all the Market Towns of the Counties of York and Lincoln.

Io. Browne
Cler. Parliamen.

ΒΆ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1642.

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