Tuesday the 27 th of May, 1651.
THat all Recognizances for the Peace, Good Behavior or Appearances returned into the Exchequer, or forfeited, and which are or may be put into Proces; and all Amerciaments in that Court, and all Fines and Amerciaments in the late Star-Chamber and High Commission Court, which are or may be levied as due to the Commonwealth at any time before the Thirtieth day of January, One thousand six hundred forty and eight, when this Commonwealth was Restored to its Freedom and Liberties, be absolutely discharged, and that no further Proces, Seizure or Proceedings be had in the Court of Exchequer touching the same. And that all and every Sheriff and other Officers do forbear to make any further levies of any Sum or Sums of Money upon any such forfeited Recognizances, Fines, Issues or Amerciaments. And the Barons of the Court of Exchequer are to take notice hereof, and give order that the same be observed; and that the Discharges be Entred upon the Records thereof.