[blazon or coat of arms incorporating the Commonwealth Flag (1649-1651)]

Monday the First of September, 1651.

Resolved by the Parliament,

THat whatsoever person or persons have, or shall have in their Custody any of the printed Papers (Entituled, His MajeĀ­sties Declaration to all his loving Subjects of the Kingdom of EngĀ­land and Dominion of VVales) be injoyned forthwith to bring the same in to the Councel of State, the Lord Major of the City of London, or the next Iustice of Peace; who are to cause the same to be burnt by the Hand of the Common-Hangman: And that all such persons who have or shall have any of the said Papers, and shall Disperse or Publish the same, or shall not bring in the same as aforesaid, shall be proceeded against according to the Laws in such case provided.

REsolved by the Parliament, That this Vote be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1651.

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