Resolutions of Parliament, touching Delinquents and their Compositions.
Die Mercurii, 14 Martii, 1648.
Resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament,
THat Sir John Stowel Knight, be proceeded against for life in the upper Bench.
Resolved, &c. That David Jenkin be proceeded against for a tryal for life; and that the Judges in that Circuit in Wales, be required to proceed to an Indictment against him, in the proper county in the next Assizes.
Resolved, &c. That Charls Stuart, eldest Son to the late King, James Stuart, second son of the late King, the Duke of Buckingham, John Earl of Bristol, William Earl of Newcastle, Sir William Widdrington, George Lord Digby, Sir Philip Musgrave, Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Sir Richard Greenvile, Sir Francis Doddington, Sir John Culpepper, Sir John Byron, the Earl of Worcester, and Sir John Winter, and all such persons as have been acting in the plotting, designing or assisting the Rebellion in Ireland, shall be proscribed and banished as Enemies and Traytors to the Commonwealth, and shall dye without Mercy, where ever they shall be found within the limits of this Nation, and their Estates shall be confiscate, and forthwith imployed for the use of the Commonwealth.
Resolved, &c. That Sir John Winter shall have convenient time to depart into any forraign parts.
Die Sabbathi, 17 Martii, 1648.
Resolved, &c. That Col: Matthew Boynton, late Governor of Scarborough, sir Iohn Morley, and Col: Leveson, late Governor of Dudly Castle, shall be proscribed and banished as Enemies and Traytors to the Commonwealth, &c.
Resolved, &c. That all other Delinquents, Members of this Commonwealth (not comprehended in the former exceptions) shall be admitted to compound (except Papists in Arms, for whose Compositions, rules are not yet agreed upon.)
Resolved, &c. That the time for the coming in of all Delinquents within the Land, whose habitations are within eighty miles of London, and for the filing of their petitions and particulars, shall be before the twentieth day of April next; and for all others residing at a further distance, before the third day of May.
Resolved, &c. That the times for perfecting the Compositions of such Delinquents, that is to say, for submitting to their Fines, and paying one Moyety, and securing the remainder at three moneths day, shall be six weeks from the respective days before limited for filing their Petitions and Particulars.
Resolved, &c. That the time for the coming in of Delinquents not excepted, and now beyond Seas, and out of this Land, shall be the first [Page 2]of June next, for the filing of their petitions and particulars, and six weeks after for the perfecting of their Compositions, as is before exprest.
Resolved, &c. That the Rents and Profits of all sequestred Estates, (except the persons before excepted) growing due at our Lady day next, shall be stayed and detained in the Tenants hands, until the first day of June next.
Resolved, &c. That the Estates of all such persons who shall neglect to render themselves, and submit to their Compositions at the respective times before limited, shall be confiscate, and converted to the use of the Commonwealth, and no further allowance shall be thenceforth made out of the same to the wife or children of any such Delinquent.
Resolved, &c. That Delinquents who were formerly excepted from pardon by their particular Names or Titles, who have not been formerly, but now are admitted to Composition (except such as have already compounded) shal pay one full moyety of the true value of their estates.
Die Mercurii, 21 Martii, 1648.
Resolved, &c. That all such Delinquents as have been Members of either House of Parliament, and all Judges, Officers towards the Law, Common or Civil, and all Sergeants, Councellors and Attorneys, Doctors, Advocates, Proctors of the Law, Common or Civil, and all Bishops, Clergymen, Masters and Fellows of any Colledge or Hall, in either of the Universities or elsewhere; and all Masters of Schools or Hospitals, and also Humphrey Bennet Esq Sir Edward Foord, Sir George Vaughan, And all other the persons named in the fourth Qualification of the Propositions sent to Hampton Court, to pay one third (except such of the said persons as were included in any Articles whereof they have the benefit, shall pay one full third part of the true value of their estates.
Resolved, &c. That all other persons Delinquents (not included in any the former Qualifications) shall pay one full sixth part of the true value of their Estates.
Resolved, &c. That if any person not yet sequestred, who conceives or doubts himself to be lyable to sequestration, for any thing said or done in relation to the War, and was not publiquely and personally engaged in the latter War, shall come in and discover his case to the Commissioners for Compositions, before the first day of July, 1649. (being not before such discovery, judicially impeached and discovered for the same by any other) then such person (if his case so discovered shall be adjudged liable to Sequestration) shall be admitted to compound, and discharged of his Delinquency, paying one years value for Land, and a twentieth part for his personal Estate: But in case any such Delinquent be first judicially impeached and discovered by another, or shall not be discovered by himself before the said first day of July, 1649. then he shall not be admitted to compound at any lower rate then is appointed for the Qualification under which he falls.
Resolved, &c. That no promissary oath shall be imposed upon Compounders as a condition, without which they may not compound.
Resolved, &c. That all persons who have formerly compounded, and have concealed or undervalued any part of their Estates, and shall themselves discover it before the first day of June next, shall be admitted to compound for the same, at the same rate for which they did compound for the other part of their Estates. But if any such concealment or undervalue shall be hereafter discovered by any other person, before the Delinquent himself discover the same, and shall not be compounded for (within the times herein before limited) according to the rates heretofore imposed by Order of Parliament upon such discoveries, that then such estate which is concealed, or so much as appears to be above the value compounded for, shall be forfeit to the Commonwealth.
Resolved, &c. That all such persons as have been engaged in the latter War, and not in any former engagement against the Parliament, shall pay one sixth part of the true value of their Estates (except such as are included in any particular qualification before mentioned, who are to pay according to the several rates in those qualifications.)
Resolved, &c. That all such persons as have been engaged in the latter War against the Parliament, and have formerly compounded, and have not paid their whole Fines, shall make good the remainder of their Fines according to their agreement.
Resolved, &c. That all such persons as have been engaged in the latter War against the Parliament, and have formerly compounded, shall pay one full sixth part of their Estates, over and above their former Fines.
Resolved, &c. That all such Delinquents as shall perfect their Compositions by the respective days herein before limited, whose Sequestrations have continued upon their Estates to this day, shal be exempted from paying any fifth and twentieth part.
Die Sabbathi, 19 Maii, 1649.
Resolved, &c. That all such Delinquents that have compounded at Goldsmiths-hall, and their Compositions reported and allowed, and their Ordinances passed both Houses of Parliament, shall pay in their Monies according to their Compositions, without expecting any further Review; And that all those whose Reports are made, and Ordinances passed this House, and not passed in the House of Peers, upon what pretence whatsoever, except for the breach of Articles, shall pay in their Moneys as aforesaid, without expecting any Review.
Die Sabbathi, 19 Maii, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Cases of all such Delinquents, as were appointed by Order to be taken into consideration this day, be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths-hall, to hear and determine the same, as the merits of their particular cases shall require, according to the rules formerly given by this House.
Die Mercurii, 23 Maii, 1649.
Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Reports of all such Fines as have not past either House, shall be forthwith drawn up, and presented to the Commissioners mentioned in the Act, Entituled, (An Act prescribing certain times to Delinquents [Page 4]for perfecting their Compositions) for their better approbation in order to a final discharge.
Resolved, &c. That the said Reports shall be made to the Commissioners in order of time as they were set, and not otherwise.
Resolved, &c. That such Reports being made, and the Fines allowed and confirmed by the said Commissioners, a final discharge shall issue forth to every such Compounder, according to the authority and directions expressed in the said Act; and if any Compounder shall not pay in his whole Fine within six weeks after his Composition shall be allowed and confirmed as aforesaid, that then he shall incur the full penalties expressed in the aforesaid Act.
Resolved, &c. That the Cases of all Delinquents Compounders, who have Petitioned for Mitigation of their Compositions, and all such whose Reports are not yet made to this House, and are ordered to be specially reported (except all such as are secluded by the Vote made the 19 of May, 1649. shall be, and hereby are referred unto the Commissioners at Goldsmiths-hall to hear and determine all the said Cases; the said Commissioners proceeding therein, according to the Rules for Compositions given them by the House, and according to such Artiticles as the Compounder hath just right unto, the said Articles being allowed and confirmed by both or either House of Parliament.
Die Sabbathi, 26 Maii, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That all the Rents and Profits of the Estates of all sequestred persons (not excepted from Composition) which were due at Lady day last, or at any time since, and which shall be due on or before the four and twentieth of June next, be retained in the hands of the several and respective Tenants of the said sequestred Lands, until the first day of July next; and that the Commissioners for compounding with Delinquents of Goldsmiths-hall, be required forthwith to give notice hereof to all Committees and Sequestrators in the countrey, that the same may be observed; And that it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths-hall to give order, that the Rents and Profits of the Estate of such Delinquents, as have or shall perfect their Compositions before the first of July next, which were due on the five and twentieth day of March last, or that are or shall be due at any time from thence before the first of July next, may be paid to such persons so perfecting the Compositions as aforesaid.
Die Mercurii, 27 Junii, 1649.
Ordered, That all the several and respective days limited in the former late Act or Orders concerning Compositions with Delinquents at Goldsmiths-hall, with the several Qualifications, as well for the continuance of Rents in Tenants hands, as otherwise, be prolonged until the first of August next, and no longer.