❧ By the Parliament: A PROCLAMATION Commanding All Jesuits, Seminary Priests, and other Romish Priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth.
THe Parliament of England being informed, That many Iesuits, Seminary Priests, and other Romish Priests are come into this Nation, and do here with great boldness Celebrate their Idolatrous Masses, exercise all Offices of their Profession, and seduce the People from the true Religion, and from their Duty and Obedience to this Commonwealth; For which Offences against the Laws of this Nation, some of those Romish Priests being found here, have lately been convicted and Executed according to Law; and others of them being within the same Danger, are liable to the same Punishment, and their Lives within the power of Iustice: The Parliament nevertheless being willing, That the like for the future, both the Offence and the Punishment may be avoided, and fit warning given for that purpose; and for the prevention of the great Mischiefs arising to the People of England, by such Romish Priests being among them (whereby God is dishonored, and the Peace of this Commonwealth endangered) Have thought fit to Publish and Declare, and do hereby Publish and Declare, That all and every Iesuit, Seminary Priest, and other Priests, Deacons, Religious and Ecclesiastical persons whatsoever, made, ordained or professed by any Authority, Power or Iurisdiction derived, chalenged or pretended from the Sea of Rome, do, and shall be before the First day of March, One thousand six hundred fifty and two, depart forth out of England and Wales, and Town of Berwick: And for that purpose, That it shall be lawful to all Officers of Ports, to suffer the said Iesuits, Seminaries and Romish Priests to ship themselves, and to depart thence into any Foreign parts before the said First day of March: And that if any Iesuit, Seminary Priest, or other Romish or Popish Priests, after the said First day of March, shall be found or taken within England or Wales, or the Town of Barwick; or departing by force of this present Act, shall hereafter return into this Nation, or any the Territories thereof, That they and every of them so found, taken, and returning, shall be liable unto, and undergo the penalty of the Laws here in force concerning them or any of them, without hope of Pardon or Remission for their said Offence or Offences. And because there may be some Romish Priests and Iesuits in restraint in divers parts of this Nation, The Parliament doth will and command all Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and all Keepers of Prisons, within Twenty days after the publishing of this Proclamation, to advertise the Councel of State, appointed by Authority of Parliament, of the Names of such Iesuits, Seminary Priests, and other Romish Priests that are in their Custody, and for what cause, and by whom they were committed; to the end, That thereupon the Councel of State may give Order for their Enlargement and Transportation, if they see cause, which they are hereby Authorized to do: And the Parliament doth charge and command, All Iustices of Peace and other Officers whatsoever, to be vigilant and careful to do their duties herein, and be diligent in Discovering and Apprehending of all Iesuits, Seminary Priests, and other Romish Priests that shall remain here or come into this Commonwealth, or any the Territories thereof, contrary to this Proclamation: And the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, are hereby authorized and required to affix the said Great Seal unto this Proclamation, and to cause the same to be Published and Proclaimed in all Counties of this Commonwealth, according to the usual course.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed by Iohn Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1652.