THE PETITION OF THE Lords and Commons of ENGLAND, now Assembled in PARLIAMENT: Presented to the KINGS most Excellent Majestie with the Remonstrance.

Concerning the present state of this Kingdome.


London, Printed for Iohn Thomas. 1641.

The PETITION of the Lords and Commons of England presented to his Majestie with the Remonstrance.

Most gracious Soveraigne,

YOur Majesties most humble and faith­full Subjects in this present Parlia­ment assembled, doe with much thankefulnesse and joy, acknowledge the great mercy and favour of God in giving your Majesty a safe and peace­able returne out of Scotland into this your Kingdome of England, where the pressing dangers and distempers of the State have caused us with much earnestnesse to desire the comfort of your gracious presence, and like­wise the vnity and Justice of your Royall authority to give more life and power to the dutifull and Loyall Councels and endeavours of your Parliament, for the prevention of that eminent ruine & destruction which in your Kingdomes of England and Scotland are threat­ned.

The duty which we owe to your Majesty and our Country cannot but make us very sensible and appre­hensive that the multiplicity, sharpnesse, and maligni­ty of those evils vnder which we have many yeares suf­fered are fomented and cherished by a corrupt and ill affected party who amongst other their mischievous [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] for the alteration of Religion and government have sought by many false scandals & imputations cunning­ly insinuated and disposed amongst the people to ble­mish and disgrace our Proceedings in this Parliament, and to get themselves a party and faction amongst your Subjects [...]or the better strengthning of thēselves in their wicked courses, and hindering those procee­dings and remedies which might by the wisedome of your Majesty and Councell of your Parliament be op­posed against them.

For preventing whereof and the better information of your Majesty, your Peeres, and all other your Loy­all Subjects, have beene necessitated to make a De­claration of the State of the Kingdome both before and since the Assembly of this Parliament vnto this time which we doe humbly presenr to your Majesty without the least intention to lay any blemish upon your Majesties person, but onely to represent how your Royall authority and trust have beene abused to the great prejudice and danger of your Majesty and of all your goods Subjects.

And because we have reason to beleeve that those malignant parties whose proceedings evidently ap­peare to be mainly for the advantage and encrease of Popery, and is composed, set up, and acted by the sub­tile practizes of the Iesuites and other Engineers and Factors for Rome and to the great danger of this King­dome and most grievous affliction of your Loyall Subjects have so farre prevailed as to corrupt divers of Bishops and others in prime places of the Church, and also to bring divers of those Jnstruments to be of your Privy Councell and other imployments of trust and [Page] nearenesse about your Majesty, the Prince and the rest of your Royall children.

And by this meanes hath had such an operation in [...]our Councell and most importants affaires and pro­ [...]eedings of your government, that a most dangerous [...]ivision and chargeable preparation for warre betwixt [...]our Kingdomes of England and Scotland, the conti­ [...]uance and encrease of jealousies betwixt your Maje­sty and your most obedient Subjects, the violent di­straction and interruption of this Parliament, the Re­bellion of Ireland, insurrection of the Papists in this Kingdome, and bloody Massacre of your people have beene not onely endeavoured and attempted, but in a great measure compassed and affected.

For preventing the finall accomplishment, whereof your poore Subiects enforced to ingage their persons and estates to the maintenance of a verie expensiue and dangerous Warre, notwithstanding they haue al­ready since the beginning of this Parliament, undergone the charge of 150000 l. sterling or there abouts, for the necessary support and supply of your Maiesty, in this present and perilous designe, and because all our most faithfull indeavors and engagements will be inefectuall for the peace, safety, and preservation, of your Maiesty, & your People, if some present, reall, and efectuall course be not taken for suppressing this wic­ked and malignant partie:

we your most humble obedient Subiects doe in all faithfullnesse and humility beseech your Maiesty.

1 That you will be Gratiously pleased to concurre with the humble desires of your People, in a parliamentary way for the preserving the peace and safety of tbis kingdome, [Page] from the malicious designes of the Popish party.

For depriving the Bishops of their votes in Parlia­ment, and abridging their immoderate power vsurped over the Clergy, and other your good Subjects, which they haue most pernitiously abused, to the hazard of Religion, and great prejudice and oppression of the Lawes of the King­dome, and just liberties of your People.

For the taking away of all such oppressions in Religion, Church government, and Discipline as have beene brought in and fomented by them.

For the uniting all such your loyall Subjects together as ioyne in the same fundamentall truths against the Pa­pists, by removing some oppressions and unnecessary Cere­monies, by which divers weake consciences haue beene scru­pled and seeme to be divided from the rest; for the due execution of those good Lawes which have bin made for [...]ccuring the libertie of your Subjects.

2 That your Maiesty will likewise be pleased, to remove from your Councell, all such as persist to favour & promote any of these pressures and corruptions wherewith your peo­ple haue bin grieved, and that for the future your Ma­iesty will vouchsafe to imploy such persons in your great and publique affayres, and to take such to be neere you in places of trust, as your Parliament may haue cause to con­fide in, and that in your Princely goodnes to your people you will reject and refuse all mediation and solicitation to the contrary, how powerfull and neare-soever.

3 That you will be pleased to forbeare and alienate any of the fo [...]eited escheated Land [...] in Ireland which shall ac­crew to your Crown by reason of this rebellion, that out of [Page] them your Crown may may [...]e the better supported, and some satisfaction made to your Subjects of this Kingdome, for the great expence they a [...]e like to undergoe in this Warre.

Which humble desires of ours being graciously fulfilled by your Maiesty, wee will by the blessing and favour of God most cheerefully undergoe the hazard and expences of this war, & imploy our selves to such other courses, and Councels, as may support your Roy­all estate with Honour and Plenty at home, and with Power and reputation abroad, and by our loyall affections, obedience, and service, lay a sure foundation of the greatnesse and prosperity of your Maiesty, and your Royall posterity in future times.


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