HEE hath within these few yeares, in his Church of Yelden turned the Communion Table Altarwise.
He bowes to or before this Altar, very low; as often as either he passeth by it, or makes his approach thereunto.
He shewes more outward reverence to the Altar, then to the name of God: for one time in the Church protesting before GOD, and his holy Altar, when he made mention of the Altar, he turned himselfe towards it, and made low obey sance before it, but at the name of God he shewed no such respect.
He hath placed a Crosse in a Cloth behind the Astar, called the Altar-cloth.
He useth much to magnifie the Crosse; and once in his Sermon speaking of Moses his prayer against Amalecke, he said, that Moses spread forth his armes in the [Page 2]forme of a Crosse, and that that posture of his was more availeable with God then his prayer.
He hath caused a Bell to be hung up in his Chancell, called a Sacring Bell, which the Clarke alwayes rings at the go [...]ng up to Se [...]ond Service, which he performes with variety of postures, sometimes turning his fa [...]e towards the South sometimes towards the East, and sometimes towards the West.
He hath cansed two clothes to be made, which He cals Corporals; and these be useth to lay over the Bread in the Sacrament; and each of these h [...]n five. Grosses on it, one at each corner, and one in the middle.
That he refused to give the Sacrament on Easterday, Anno 1638. to 12. or 14. of his Parishioners, tho they had acquainted him before, that they intended to receive on that day, according to their usuall custome; and though at the time of the administration of the sacrament, even from the beginning thereof to the end, they kneeled at the railes (for otherwise he would not administer it to them at any time) yet He still passed them by, and sent them away without it, to their great reproach and discomfort; having no just cause so to do.
He hath also composed and published two books of Pamph [...]ets, the one intituted Sunday no Sabbath, the other [Page 3] Altare Christianum, wherin he justifies and defends all those Innovations in Religion that have bin unhappily introduced into this Church, which also he practises by himself; and besides in those bookes he asserts and maintaines divers wicked, Popish & Antichrishian points, to the great danger & dammage of this Church and state, justifies; sundry Popish canoni [...]ed Sain [...]s for true Saints & Martyrs of God and censures our owne English Martyrs (mentioned in M. Foxes Calender, before his booke of Acts and Monuments, set forth by publique Authority, and approved by the whole Convocation, Anno 1579.) for Traytors Murderers, Rebels, and Hereticks.
He affirmes and maintaines the dedication and consecration of c [...]urches by Prayers and th [...]t (as he saith) from the Doctrine and Decrees of Popes of the first and best times, and confirmed by the Doctrine and practice of the holy Catholike Chur [...]h. And he censures the Centurists for bold and impious, because they condemn & brand such kind of Popish Consecration of wood and stones, for the Mystery of iniquity, Alt. Chr. ca [...] 10. page 52.
He teaches and affirmes, that the distinction of pl [...] ces in the Church [...] antient [...]and observed even from the Apostles [...] [...]verall places in the Church were appo [...]ed or the [...]e [...]gy, and for the Laity, Alt. Chr. c. 8. p. 43, 44. And these severall places had severall degrees of holine [...]. And it orium was the place for the Laity, and that was lesse holy; but Presbyterium was the place for the Clergy and this was more holy. And in the holy place namely the Chancell or Presbytery, there was a Throne or Chaire placed.
But He bethinks himself, and saith, that this Chaire was not in all Churches, but onely in the Churches of Bishops; and that such a Chaire was in the Church of Ierusalem and Rome: and then after affirms, that the Succession of Bishops in such a Chaire, was one thing that kept St. Augustine from departing out of the bosome of the Catholick Church; for he brings him in, saying thus, The succession of Priests from St. Peter, keepes mee of right in the Church: the name of this Catholick See (that is, of Rome) keepes me in, Alt. Chr. p. 47.