Die Sabathi 28, Februarii. 1645.
AN ORDINANCE Of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, for twenty thousand pounds to be paid out of the
Excise, to the Forces Raised by the Easterne Association for blocking up
BEE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the summe of twenty thousand pounds shall be paid for the use of the three Regiments of Horse, of Major Le Hunt, Major Gibb, and Major Haines, and of Captaine Waylets Company of Dragoons, Raised, sent out, and Maintained by the Easterne association, lately advanced for blocking up of Newarke, and parts adjacent in course, after other affignments already charged shall fall due, out of the Receipts of Excize by Ordinance of the 11. of September 1643. And the Commissioners of Excize and new Impost, are hereby authorized to pay the same accordingly unto Thomas Toll esq; a Member of the house of Commons, or his asignes, together with Interest for the same, after the rate of eight pounds per centum for so long time as the same shall be forborne before it become due as aforesaid, and his or their Receipt, to be their, the said Commissioners of Excize, sufficient warrant and discharge, for the said twente thousand pounds and Interest, and every part and parcell thereof; And that the said Thomas Toll or his assignes doe pay the Money by him so received, to such persons of the severall Counties of the said association, as the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Easterne association or any five or more of them and as the standing Committee of the severall Counties of that association respectively or any five or more of them under their hands in writing shall noate and appoint, according to the proportions of Horse assessed, and set, upon the Counties of the said association respectively.
Provided neverthelesse, That the charging of the said twenty thousand pounds upon the Receipts of the Excize, shall not prejudice or post pone the payment of any summes of money charged upon the said Receipts by any former Order of this House.