An Ordinance of the LORDS and COMMONS assembled in Parliament for the continuance of the Monethly Assessement for the maintenance of the Scottish Army.

WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament bea­ring Date the 20 of Febr. 1644. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising and leavying of the mo­nethly sum of 21000. l. towards the maintenance of the Scottish Army, under the Command of the Earl of Leven, by a monethly Assessement upon the seve­rall Counties, Cities, and Townes of the Kingdome of England▪ therein mentioned: It is Ordained, That there shall be severall sums of money taxed, leavyed, and paid towards the maintenance of the said Army upon the several Counties, Cities and Towns therein mentioned, by a monethly Assessement, to continue for foure Moneths, beginning the first of March 1644 and since ex­pired. Be it Ordained, And it is now Ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the said Or­dinance, and every Clause therein contained, the severall Tax­es and Payments therein expressed, and the Power and Au­thority thereby given and appointed to all and every the Com­mittees and persons or any of them named or mentioned in the said Ordinance, shall be in force and continue for the space of foure Moneths longer, to begin from the first of Iuly, 1645. to all intents and purposes▪ as if the said Ordinance had bin at first made to have continuance for eight Moneths, from the first day of March 1644.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and Published.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Perliamentorum.

London, Printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings head in the Old-Bayley, 16 August 1645.

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