AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR The bringing in the Arreares of the Assessements for the Army, within the City of London and Liberties thereof.
With the names of the Persons in each Ward appointed for executing the same.
ORdered by the Lords Assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published.
Imprinted at London for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley. 1648.
An Ordinance for the speedy bringing in the Arreares of the Assessements in the City of London and Liberties thereof.
WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of the fifteenth of February 1644. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, For raising and maintaining of Forces for the defence of the Kingdome, under the Command of the Lord Fairfax by the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax [Page] [...] [Page 1] [...] [Page 2] Knight, a Monethly Assessement to continue for ten Moneths from the first of February, 1644. to the first of December then next following, was Ordained to be taxed and leavied upon the City of London and other places and Counties in the said Ordinance mentioned: And by another Ordinance of Parliament, dated the thirteenth day of August, 1645. the said Monethly assessement for maintenance of the said Army was Ordained, and appointed to continue and indure for six Moneths longer from the said first day of December 1645. unto the first day of June then next following; And whereas by an Ordinance of Parliament dated the sixteenth pay of Aprill, 1646. the said Ordinance of the fifteenth of February, 1644. with all the Taxes, and payments therein mentioned were to continue for foure Moneths longer, from the said first of Iune, 1646. untill the first of Octob. following; And whereas also by another Ordinance of Parliament of the three and twentieth day of Iune last, 1647. severall summes of money were to be taxed, [Page 3] leavied, and paid for maintenance of the said Army by a Monethly assessement, to continue for twelve Moneths from the five and twentieth day of March, 1647. to the five and twentieth day of March, 1648. And whereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of the fifteenth of March last, 1647. the like summes of money upon the said City are to be taxed, leavied, and paid for maintenance of the said Army by a Monthly assessement, to continue for six Months longer from the five and twentieth of March last to the nine and twentieth of September now next ensuing, as by the said severall Ordinances may appeare, And whereas many great and considerable summes of mony remaine in Arreare, and yet unpaid upon the said severall Ordinances within the said City of London and Liberties thereof, to the discouragement of those that have willingly paid their proportion, very evill example of others, and great hinderance of payment of the Army; and to the end the said Arrears may be speedily [Page 4] gotten in, and all obstructions that hinder the comming in thereof be removed, It is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and be it Ordained by the authority thereof, That the severall persons hereafter named shall be, and are hereby appointed Commissioners for the said severall taxes and assessements in the said City, and in the severall Wards, and Liberties in and belonging to the said City respectively, to put the said severall Ordinances in execution, and have power, and are hereby authorized to execute, and performe all and every the powers and authorities comprised in the said Ordinances, or in any the Ordinances mentioned in the said last recited ordinance of the fifteenth of March last, or every of them, in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes as any the Committees or Commissioners in the said ordinances named, or any of them might or could doe, or performe the same.
- [Page 5]RIchard Morrall
- Josias Hams
- Thomas Nowell.
- Richard Gibbs
- Iohn Sherman
- Roger Jenkinson
- Iohn Johnson
- Richard Coates
- Miles Flesher
- John Billingsley
- George Osburneston
- William Lawrence
- RIchard Cheverton
- John Owfield
- John Dethick
- Sammel Moyer
- John Merryat
- Christopher Blackston
- EEdwin Browne
- George Dunn
- Capt. Winstandley
- Thomas Clarke
- THomas Clowes
- Iames Storey
- Richard Clutterbuck
- Robert Hanch
- Rowland Wilson, Senior.
- Nicholas Could
- Hogan Hovell
- William Allen
- TObias Lisle
- Richard Young
- Stephen Estwick
- Thomas Player
- Edward Bellamy
- Isaack Foster
- Thomas Ward
- Tho. Andrewes, junior
- [Page 6] Samuel Lee
- William Mulins
- Capt. Nathaniel Lacy
- RIchard Turner
- Francis Water-house
- Thomas Steyne, senior
- Major Hitchcock
- Iohn Harper
- Iohn Pocock
- Richard Hutchison
- Capt. Edward Storey
- Richard Rigglesworth
- Martin Nowell
- Francis Craftes
- RObert Wood
- John Wallington
- William Harris
- Randolph Baskervill
- Thomas Lenthall
- Richard Batson
- Dennis Gawden
- Thomas Radburne
- George Greimes
- WIll. Pease Deputy
- Thomas Stock
- Hugh Norris
- Richard Hardmeat
- William Brumwitch
- William Manby
- Iohn Everet
- William Bartley
- Richard Warring
- Edward Abell
- William Fletcher
- William Hedges
- Edward Salisbury
- Griffith Owen
- HƲmphrey Hally
- Thomas Andrews
- Richard Warner
- Zouch Watson
- Richard Dawes
- Thomas Waters
- Grace Harding
- [Page 7]MAurice Gethin
- Tempest Milner
- Nathaniell Hall
- James Cooke
- Richard Perry
- Henry Coleburne
- William Wallis
- VVAlter Boothby
- Anthony Webster
- Richard Floyd
- Hugh Wood
- Francis Ash
- William Blackwell
- RObert Manwaring
- Henry Greene
- Charles Mynne
- Ralph Tasker
- Walter Price
- Francis Webb
- Robert Arden
- ANdrew Kendrick
- Col. Owen Rowe
- Ralph Hartley
- Mark Hildersly
- Thomas Barn [...]rdiston
- Richard Ashurst
- Thomas Bower
- VVIll. Adams Dep.
- Daniel Waldow
- George Hadley
- Robert Winch
- Giles Dent
- John Iurion
- Thomas Allen
- William Goddard
- Thomas Brown
- Thomas Benson
- Mathew Abott
- Jeremy Royston
- Edmund Sleigh
- [Page 8]THomas Gee
- William Gibb
- William Antrobus
- Thomas Cole Draper
- Andrew Neale
- Jeremy Richardson
- Henry Coles
- D [...]niel Tayler
- John Ireton
- Henry Barton
- Vincent Limbrow
- John Wine Dyer
- FRancis Mosse
- Gilbret Morewood
- Francis Coleing
- Phillip Mead
- Major Wollaston
- Thomas Harris
- IOhn Greene Deputy
- Major Colson
- John Bennet
- William Brumskill
- Edward Hollingshed
- Peregrine Pretty
- William Roberts
- Thomas Fisher
- RIchard Glide
- John Fenton L. Col.
- Edward Ʋaughan
- Edward Honywood
- Anthony Dowse
- Patricke Banford
- Peter Mills
- Hugh Ratcliffe
- John Strange
- William Greenhill
- Edward Parkes
- Michael Raynor
- George Clarke
- John Jones
- IOhn Bennet
- Andrew Richard
- [Page 9] VVilliam Bateman
- Henry Sweet
- Iohn Milton
- Thomas Burnell
- Gilbert Keat
- Iohn Langley
- Nathaniel VVright
- George Hanger
- THo. Arnoll Deputy
- Matthew Fox
- Ioseph Parrot
- Stephen Sedgewicke
- William Perkins
- Francis Allen
- Alexander Normington
- Thomas Watkins
- Edward Lightmaker
- Nathaniel Camfield
- Giles Rowles
- Iohn Wilcox
- Thomas Knowles
- Iohn Gregory
- Miles Petty
- Iohn King
- Benjamin Potter
- Iames Stephens
- Iames Martin
- ABraham Chamberlen
- Roger Peele
- Richard Middleton
- Iohn Freebody
- IOhn Babington
- Robert Sweete
- Tobias Dixon
- Robert Dicer
- Thomas Manering
- Robert Render
- Iasper Cleyton
- Andrew Hyde
- Geffery Howland
- Thomas Turgis
- LEonard Towers
- Iohn Haies
- Richard Berisford
- Richard Grasforth
- [Page 10] VVilliam Wats [...]n
- Edward Ansloe
- EDmund Whitwell
- William Ball
- Henry Hickman
- Thomas Church-man
- Richard Irons
- Ʋrian Normansell
- MArtin Bradgate
- Henry Waller
- Iohn Cook
- Andrew Bitgood
- Humphrey Gould
- Colonell Shepheard
- Thomas Caffin
- Ralph Baily
- Robert Norwood
- THomas Dawney
- William Rawson
- Robert Mead
- Francis Clay
- Edward Stock
- Michaell Hearing
- Thomas VValker
- Iohn Adams.