[official insignia]

AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament,

For the Apprehending and bringing to condigne punishment, all such lewd persons as shall steale, sell, buy, inveigle, purloyne, convey, or receive any little Children. And for the strict and diligent search of all Ships and other Vessels on the River, or at the Downes.

WHereas the Houses of Parliament are informed, that divers lewd Per­sons doe goe up and downe the City of London, and elsewhere, and in a most barbarous and wicked manner steale away many little Children, It is ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That all Officers and Ministers of Iustice be hereby streightly charged and required to be very diligent in apprehending all such persons as are faulty in this kind, either in stealing, selling, buying, inveigling, purloyning, conveying, or receiving Children so stolne, and to keepe them in safe imprisonment, till they may be brought to severe and exemplary punishment.

It is further ordered, That the Marshals of the Admiralty, and the Cinque-ports, doe immediately make strict and diligent search in all Ships and Vessels upon the River, and at the Downes, for all such Children, according to such directions as they have or shall receive from the Committee of the Admiralty, and Cinque-ports.

It is further ordered, That this Ordinance be forthwith published in Print, and Pro­claimed in the usuall manner as other Proclamations, in all parts of the City of London, within the Lines of communication, and in all Parishes within the Bils of mortality, pre­sently: And in all Churches and Chappels by the Ministers, within the Line of communica­tion, and Bils of mortality, on the next Lords day: And in all other Churches and Chappels elsewhere respectively, the next Lords day after the recept hereof, that it may appeare to the World, how carefull the Parliament is to prevent such mischiefes, and how farre they doe detest a crime of so much villany.

Mr. Spurstow, Mr. Vassall, and Collonell Venn, (Members of the House of Commons) are desired to goe to the Lord Major, and to acquaint him with this Order, and to take care that it may be Proclaimed presently, and Published according to the directions, on the next Lords day.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance shall be forthwith Printed and published presently, and read in all Parish Churches and Chap­pels within the Line of Communication and Bills of mortality, the next Lords day: and in all other Churches and Chappels elsewhere respectively, the next Lords day after the receipt hereof.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

London, Printed for John Wright at the signe of the Kings-head in the Old-baily, May 9▪ 1645.

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