An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament: For sending forth Five Regiments out of the City of LONDON; and parts adjacent.

IT is this day Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that the Committee of the Mi­litia of the City of London and parts adjacent, within the Lines of Communication, and Parishes menti­oned in the weekly bills of Mortality, shall have power, and is hereby authorised to command the Red and Blue Regiments of Trayned Bands of the said City; and the Red Regiment of Trayned Bands of Westminster; the Yellow Regiment of Trayned Bands of the Borough of Southwark; and the Yellow Regiment of Auxiliaries of the Hamblets of the Tower, consisting of five thousand men, or thereabouts, and such other Forces as they shall think fit, either of Horse, or Foot, raised or to bee raised under the command of the said Committee of the Militia, within the Limits aforesaid, to March from the severall parts aforesaid, according to the Discipline and order of Warre, under the conduct and command of such Major Generall, Collonels, Lieutenant Collo­nels, Captains, and other Officers, as the said Committee shall appoint, together with all such necessary provisions of Armes Ammunition, Ordnance, and other Carriages, and to joine with such other Forces of Horse and Foote, as are under the command of the Earle of Manchester, and Sir William Waller, or either of them, according as they shall bee directed by both Houses, or the Committee of both Kingdomes; to resist and subdue the Forces raised without authority of Parlia­ment; and to recover, and preserve such places as are now possessed by the Enemy.

And for prevention of such inconveniences, as by experience hath been discovered to fall out in former expeditions by giving great summes of money before hand to hired Souldiers, and by their refusing to serve; unlesse they may have their owne demands.

It is further ordained, That no advance shall be henceforth given before hand, to any Souldiers hired, or to bee hired, besides their weekly pay; and that the Committee of the Militia, and their Sub-committees respectively, shall have power to Impresse within their severall Limits, all such persons as shall be by them thought fit to bee hired, to serve in this expedi­tion, excepting such persons as are excepted in the Ordinance of Parliament, made the 12 of July last, 1644.

And it is further ordained, that the said Committee shall have power, and is hereby authorized to call backe such Forces as they shall command to march forth by vertue of this Ordinance, when they shall thinke fit; and that all the said Colonells, Lieutenant Colonells, Captaines, Officers, Souldiers, and other persons under the command of the said Com­mittee of the Militia, whether Masters, or Servants, shall obey the directions of the said Committee of the Militia from time to time, upon paine of imprisonment, or expulsion out of the Limits aforesaid, and such other punishments as the said Committee shall thinke fit to impose upon them by reasonable Fines, or according to the course of Warre: and to levy the said Fines, by distresse, and sale of their goods, and to imploy the same for the service of the City, as the said Committee shall appoint: And all Sub-committees made, or to bee made, Constables, Headboroughs, Provost Marshals, and other Officers, are hereby required to bee aiding and assisting from time to time for the better furthering and effecting all such services as are contained or intended by this Ordinance, according as they shall bee directed by the said Commit­tee within the Limits aforesaid; as they will answer the contrary under the penalties herein mentioned.

And it is further ordained, that all such Forces as shall be sent forth by the said Committees of the Militia, by vertue of this Ordinance, shall bee payed during their continuance abroad by the Parliament, according to the new establish­ment of the Army under his Excellency the Earle of Essex.

And it is further ordained, that the Sub-committees appointed, or to bee appointed by the said Committee of the Militia shall have power, and are hereby authorized to cause all or any the clauses conteined in this Ordinance to bee put in due execution, when, and as often as they shall receive directions from the said Committee; and as well the said Committee, as also their Sub-committees, and all other persons acting in the Premises, according to the true intent of this Ordinance, shall bee saved harmelesse by the authority of both Houses of Parliament.

Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Printed at London by Richard Cotes, 1644.

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