AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords & Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR Raising Moneys to be imployed for the maintenance of the Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and Published.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons. March 23. 1647.

AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS & COMMONS Assembled in Parliament, For Raising Moneys to be imployed for the maintenance of the Forces un­der the Commnand of Sir Tho­mas Fairfax Knight.

THe Lords and Commons in Parlia­ment assembled, for the due paying of such Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight (as the great and many dangers and di­stempers do require to be kept up within this King­dom for the present) and to the end that the Sub­jects in this Kingdom may not be impoverished by F [...]e quarter, but that all Officers and Soldiers may justly and duly pay and discharge their Quar­ters, Do Order and Ordain, and be it therefore Ordered and Ordained by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, That the sum of Sixty [Page 4]thousand pounds per mensem, by the several sums of Money hereafter mentioned, shall be Moneth­ly (according to the ordinary computation) Taxed, Collected, Leavied, and Paid for the purposes aforesaid, from the Twenty fifth day of March, 1648. until the Nine and twentieth day of September thence next following, in such maner and form as is Mentioned, Expressed, and Decla­red in an Ordinance of Parliament of the Three and twentieth of June, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament, for the Raising of Moneys to be imployed towards the Maintenance of Forces within this King­dom, under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight.

VIZ. VPon the county of Bedford, the monethly sum of six hundred seventy three pounds thir­teen shillings, eleven pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Berks, the monethly sum of six hundred eighty three pounds, fifteen shil­lings and nine pence.

Upon the county of Buckingham, the monethly sum of eight hundred fifteen pounds, eight shil­lings.

Upon the county of Cambridge, the monethly sum of One thousand four hundred sixty two pounds, sixteen shillings six pence farthing.

Upon the Isle of Ely, the monethly sum of Four hundred ninety pounds, eighteen shillings one half peny.

[Page 5] Upon the county of Chester, the monethly sum of Three hundred forty five pounds, four shil­lings eleven pence farthing.

Upon the city and county of Chester, the monethly sum of Thirty nine pounds, thirteen shillings and eleven pence.

Upon the county of Comwal, the monethly sum of One thousand two hundred twenty eight pounds, five shillings six pence farthing.

Upon the county of Cumberland, the moneth­ly sum of Seventy seven pounds, one peny three farthings.

Upon the county of Derby, the monethly sum of Three hundred forty two pounds, nine shillings four pence.

Upon the county of Devon, the monethly sum of Three thousand five hundred twenty seven pounds, six shillings peny half peny.

Upon the city and county of Exon, the moneth­ly such of One hundred twenty seven pounds, nine shillings two pence farthing.

Upon the county of Dorset, the monethly sum of Nine hundred thirty five pounds, ten shillings ten pence three farthings.

Upon the town and county of Pool, the moneth­ly sum of nine pounds sixteen shillings, seven pence half peny.

Upon the county of Durham, the monethly sum of One hundred fifty nine pounds, two shillings.

Upon the county of York, and the city and county of York, the monethly sum of Two thou­sand [Page 6]two hundred sixty pounds, nineteen shillings two pence.

Upon the town and county of Kingston upon Hull, the monethly sum of Fifty pounds, eighteen shillings nine pence.

Upon the county of Essex, the monethly sum of Four thousand five hundred forty seven pounds, nine shillings five pence.

Upon the county of Glocester, the monethly sum of One thousand two hundred twelve pounds, three shillings six pence three farthings.

Upon the city and county of Glocester, the monethly sum of One hundred thirty four pounds, thirteen shillings nine pence.

Upon the county of Hereford, the monethly sum of Eight hundred sixty eight pounds, two shil­lings three pence.

Upon the county of Hertford, the monethly sum of One thousand six hundred thirty eight pounds, fifteen shillings five pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Huntington, the monethly sum of Six hundred eighty seven pounds, three shil­lings five pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Kent, with the city and county of Canterbury, and the cinque ports with­in the county of Kent, the monethly sum of Four thousand seven hundred sixty three pounds, one shilling one peny.

Upon [...] county of Lancaster, the monethly [...] hundred twenty nine pounds, three [...] p [...]nce.

Upon the county of Leicester, the monethly [Page 7]sum of Four hundred sixty seven pounds, nine shillings ten pence half peny.

Upon the county of Lincoln (and the City and county of Lincoln) the monethly sum of One thou­sand six hundred thirty eight pounds, one shilling half peny.

Upon the city of London, the monethly sum of Three thousand nine hundred and seven pounds, nineteen shillings and two pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Middlesex, City and Li­berty of Westminster, the monethly sum of One thousand five hundred twenty one pounds, seven­teen shillings nine pence.

Upon the county of Monmouth, the monethly sum of One hundred ninety two pounds, nineteen shillings and one peny.

Upon the county of Northampton, the moneth­ly sum of Five hundred ninety one pounds, eleven shillings eleven pence farthing.

Upon the county of Notingham, the monethly sum of Three hundred fifty three pounds, nineteen shillings three pence.

Upon the town and county of Notingham, the monethly sum of Eleven pounds, fourteen shil­lings six pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Norfolk, the monethly sum of Four thousand seven hundred sixty three pounds, one shilling one peny.

Upon the city and county of Norwich, the monethly sum of Two hundred forty six pounds, [...] shillings five pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Northumberland, the [Page 8]monethly sum of One hundred pounds, sixteen shillings ten pence three farthings.

Upon the Town of Newcastle, the monethly sum of Twenty nine pounds, seventeen shillings.

Upon the county of Oxon, the monethly sum of seven hundred seventy nine pounds, thirteen shil­lings eleven pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Rutland, the monethly sum of One hundred twenty eight pounds, one shilling and one farthing.

Upon the county of Salop, the monethly sum of Five hundred fifty three pounds, nineteen shil­lings nine pence three farthings.

Upon the county of Stafford, and upon the city and county of the city of Litchfield, the moneth­ly sum of Four hundred sixty five pounds, ten shil­lings three farthings.

Upon the county of Somerset, the monethly sum of Two thousand and fifty pounds, eleven shillings and five pence.

Upon the city and county of Bristol, the moneth­ly sum of One hundred and twelve pounds, twelve shillings ten pence half peny.

Upon the county of Southampton, the moneth­ly sum of One thousand five hundred and four­teen pounds, four shillings five pence farthing.

Upon the town and county of Southampton, the monethly sum of Sixty two pounds, eight shil­lings one farthing.

Upon the Isle of Wight, the monethly sum of Two hundred and eight pounds, two shillings six pence farthing.

[Page 9] Vpon the county of Suffolk, the monethly sum of Four thousand seven hundred sixty three pounds, one shilling and a peny.

Vpon the county of Surrey, with the Borough of Southwark, the monethly sum of One thou­sand three hundred forty seven pounds eight shil­lings.

Vpon the County of Sussex, and the ports within the county of Sussex, the monethly sum of Two thousand six hundred forty six pounds, two shil­lings nine pence three farthings:

Vpon the county of Warwick, the monethly sum of Six hundred twenty one pounds, three shil­lings six pence farthing.

Vpon the city and county of Coventry, the monethly sum of Seventy nine pounds, nine­teen shillings.

Vpon the county of Worcester, and upon the city and county of Worcester, the monethly sum of Seven hundred forty eight pounds, three shil­lings seven pence farthing.

Upon the county of Wilts, the monethly sum of One thousand four hundred twenty one pounds, eighteen shillings and nine pence farthing.

Upon the county of Westmerland, the moneth­ly sum of Sixty six pounds, nine shillings two pence half peny.

Vpon the Isle of Anglesey, the monethly sum of Fifty pounds, seventeen shillings and ten pence.

Vpon the county of Brecknock, the monethly sum of One hundred and three pounds, six shil­lings and eleven pence.

[Page 10] Vpon the county of Cardigan, the monethly sum of One hundred twenty two pounds, nine shillings ten pence three farthings.

Vpon the county of Carmarthen, the moneth­ly sum of One hundred pounds, fifteen shillings six pence.

Vpon the county of Carnarvan, the monethly sum of Forty two pounds, six shillings five pence three farthings.

Vpon the county of Denbigh, the monethly sum of Fifty four pounds, six shillings ten pence half peny.

Vpon the county of Flint, the monethly sum of Thirty three pounds, six shillings four pence half peny.

Vpon the county of Glamorgan, the monethly sum of One hundred thirty one pounds, fifteen shillings ten pence.

Vpon the county of Merioneth, the monethly sum of thirty one pounds eleven shillings six pence.

Vpon the county of Montgomery, the moneth­ly sum of One hundr [...]d twenty three pounds, two shillings eight pence farthing.

Vpon the county of Pembrook, the monethly sum of One hundred sixteen pounds, four shillings seven pence farthing.

Vpon the county of Radnor, the monethly sum of Seventy three pounds, two shillings seven pence haf peny.

Vpon the town of Haverford. West, the moneth­ly sum of ten pounds, two shillings six pence three farthings.

[Page 11] And that the said several sums of Money may be duly Taxed, Leavied and Paid as is directed, Be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Persons named in an Ordinance of Parli­ament, Dated the sixteenth day of February, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for raising Twenty thousand pounds a Moneth for the Relief of Ireland; And the persons hereafter named, shall be Commissioners for the several and respective Counties, Cities and Places in the said Ordinance mentioned and ex­pressed, to put this Ordinance in execution in the said several and respective Counties, Cities and Places, for which they are thereby respectively appointed Commissioners: And it is further Or­dained, That the said respective Commissioners, in the said several and respective Counties, Cities and Places, or any three or more of them, shall and may, for the more effectual proceeding in the said Service, use, exercise, and put in execution, all and every the Powers and Authorities, given li­mited or appointed by and in an Ordinance of the three and twentieth of June, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the raising of moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of Forces within this Kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight, and for the speedy transporting of and paying the Forces for carrying on the War in Ireland; and one other Or­dinance of the four and twentieth of December, 1647. Entituled An Ordinance for the several Commissioners in the respective Counties, to make a Col­lector [Page 12]for the monethly Assessment of Threescore thousand pounds. And it is further Ordered, That the per­sons hereafter named shall be Commissioners added to the Commissoners mentioned as afore­said.

  • For the County of Berks,
    • IOhn Blagrave, Richard Knollis, Esquires, George Wooldridge, Peter Weaver Gent. The Major of Redding for the time being, and Mr. Thomas Bate­man Alderman.
  • Buckingham,
    • Sir Peter Wentworth Knight of the Bath, George More, Robert Aldridge, John Green, Toby Terril, Francis Ingolsby, Edward Greenfield, and William Bowyer, Esquires, Toby Terril Esq and Francis In­golsby.
  • Cheshire,
    • Edward Hide, Colonel John Leigh, Thomas Man­waring, Jonathan Brewen, Colonel Thomas Croxton, and Thomas Marbury, Esquires.
  • Cornwal,
    • William Griger, Esq
  • Cambridgeshire,
    • James Chennery and William Janes, Esquires.
  • Durham,
    • George Lilburn Esq
  • [Page 13]
    • Anthony Moorwood and Lionel Fanshaw, Esquires.
  • Essex,
    • George Tompson Esq
  • Hertfordshire,
    • William Brigs, Toby Combes, William Ashton, Esqs The Major of Hertford for the time being.
  • Hereford,
    • Bennet Hoskins, and Edmund Weaver, Esquires; James Lane Gentleman, The Major of Hereford for the time being, Edward Freeman, Thomas Dunet, Isaac Seward, Esquires; Francis Hall, Walter Wall, John Cooper and John Hering, Gentlemen.
  • Ipswich,
    • Jacob Caly Gentleman.
  • Hampshire,
    • Humphrey Edwards, Robert Reynolds, Francis Allen, Esquires.
  • Hull,
    • John Anlaby, Christopher Ledger Esqs
  • Lincolnshire-Lindsey,
    • William Lord Mounson, Edward Nelthorp, Tho­mas Williamson, Esquires, Thomas Cuney Gent. Tho­mas [Page 14]Welby Esquire.
  • Middlesex,
    • Sir Anthony Irby Knight.
  • Norfolk,
    • Valentine Walton Esquire, Col: Charls Fleetwood.
  • Notingham,
    • John Oddingsels Esq
  • Northumberland and Newcastle,
    • Sir Arthur Hasierig Baronet.
  • Oxon,
    • Sir Thomas Read, Sir Francis Norris, Knights; George Greenwood, Henry Knap, John Tavernor, Ed­mond Lenthal and Walter Elwood, Esquires.
  • Surrey,
    • Thomas Scot, John Blackwel and Francis Allen, Esquires; Peter de Laney, Henry Bradley, and William Hicocks, Gentlemen.
  • Wilts,
    • Edward Michel, Edward Mildcot, George Dier, Wil­liam Temple, William Adlam, William Radish, Gent.
  • Worcestershire,
    • William Ligon, John Egioke, Edward Pit, Henry Bramley of Vpton, Charls Cornwallis, Thomas Yong, Humphrey Greswold, Daniel Dobbins, and Ta [...]bot [Page 15]Badger, Esquires; The Major of Evesham for the time being, Mr. William Martin of Evesham, Gent.
  • Yorkshire East-Riding,
    • Philip Saltmarsh and John Tomlins, Esquires.
  • North-Riding,
    • Robert Walters, John Oddingsels junior, Esquires, Sir Henry Heyman Knight and Baronet.
  • West-Riding,
    • Sir Arthur Ingram Knight, Laurence Parsons and Sampson Stanely, Esquires.
  • Devon,
    • John Rolle of Stevenston Esq John Wollacomb, John Yeo, Robert Dillon, Esquires, and Mr. William Nottle of Barnstable, Merchant.
  • Suffolk,
    • Henry Parker and John Branlin, Esquires.
  • Norwich,
    • VVilliam Gosselin Alderman.
  • Carnarvanshire,
    • John Bodarda Esq Robert VVyn of Carnarvan Gent. VVilliam Thomas and VVilliam Stodarte, Gent.
  • For the City of Bath,
    • The Major for the time being, John Atwood, Thomas Burford, John Big, Matthew Clift, Alder­men; [Page 16] John Parker and John Pierce, Gent.

Provided, That the proportions of Rates set upon the several counties in this Ordinance ex­pressed, shall not be drawn into president for the time to come. Any thing in this Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided, That the Town of Lyn in Norfolk pay no more then according to that proportion which the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Eastern Association ordered that Town should pay, as by their Order of the twentieth of No­vember, 1645. appeareth.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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