An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning the election of Common-councel men, and other Officers in the City of London.

WHereas there is an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, bearing date the 18 of December, 1648. for the choo­sing of Common-Councel-men, and other Officers within the City of London and liberties thereof for the yeare ensuing. The said Lords and Commons do further Declare and Ordaine, and bee it hereby Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that no person what­soever that subscribed, promoted, or abetted, any engagement in the Yeare 1648. relating to a personall Treaty with the KING at London, shall be e­lected, chosen, or put into any of the Offices, or places expressed in the a­foresaid Ordinance under the penalty contained in the same, upon the other excepted persons, and to bee levyed according to the provision of the said Ordinance, and the Lord Major for the time being is hereby required that this Ordinance with the other bee published at all Elections, and strictly and punctually observed according to the true intent and meaning hereof.

Jo. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum.

By the Major.

THese are to require you to publish this Ordinance with the other. Dated the 18. of this instant moneth at your elections, and that the same be strictly and punctually observed according to the true intent and meaning of the same, this 20. day of December, 1648.


To the Alderman or Deputy of the Ward of

Printed by Richard Cotes,

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