AN ORDINANCE For the bettter raysing and levying of Marinors, Saylors and others for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary defence of the Realme and other His Majesties Dominions.
Die Veneris 3. Die Feb. 1642.

WHereas it hath beene thought fit by both Houses of Parliament to appoint great Fleets this yeare to be prepared for service with all possible expedition for the guarding the Narrow Seas, preservation of Trade and for the necessary defence of this Kingdome, and other His Majesties Dominions, which at this time is of more necessity then ever considering not only the home­bred distractions of this Kingdome and of Ireland, But the great preparations which are marching already in forraigne parts in aide and incouragement of the Papists, and il-affected party amongst our selves, now up in Armes against the Parliament: And whereas the said Fleets now in preparation to be set forth cannot timely enough be expedited unlesse the same be furnished with fit, and sufficient men for that service.

Be it therefore Ordained by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, that the Committees of the Admiralty appointed by both Houses or any three of them shall, and may at any time or times, between the first of Febuary, 1642. To the last of December next comming by themselves their Commissioner, or Commissioners or their Officer, or Officers or any of them shall rayse leavy and impresse such, and so many Mariners, Saylers, Watermen, Chirurgions, Gunners, Caukers, Shipcarpinters and Whoymen, as also Carmen for the said carriage of Victualls as shall be requisit, and necessary for this present expedition, or for any such further defence of this Realme, or any other of His Majesties Dominions, which said Marines, Saylors and other such persons so to be le­vied, and impressed as aforesaid, and every of them shall have payed and delivered unto him upon such his impressing by the person that shall so impresse him, for conduct money for every mile from the place where he shall be so impressed, to the Ship or place where he shall be appointed to make his repaire the some of one penny, and the like some of one penny for every mile from the place of his discharge unto the place of his aboade, and shall be allowed for this service, the best wages and intertainement which have, or hath been allowed by His Majesty to any such person or persons respectively at any time within three yeares last past; And to the end that the common Sea-men may be the better encouraged, with Alacrity and cheerefullnesse to undertake this service; Be it further ordained that an ad­dition of wages be allowed from 15 s. Per mencem unto 19 s. Per mencem to every common Sea-man, as also unto such Water-men as have been already at Sea in His Majesties Ships or others, and can doe their labors as Sea­men and not otherwise; And if any Marinor, Saylor, Waterman, Chirurgion, Gunner, Ship-captenter, Canker, Whoy-man, or Carman shall wilfully refuse to be impressed in or for the said service or shall voluntarily, hide and absent himselfe at the time of such presse to avoid the said service, or receaving his said conduct monies doe not ap­peare at such places and times as by his Ticket he is appointed, That then any such person so offending shall suffer imprisonment by the space of three moneths without bayle or mayneprise. Provided alwayes and be it ordained, that no Money or other reward shall be taken, or any corrupt practice used by any the persons Authorised by this Ordinance, in or for the pressing, changing, spairing or discharging of any person or persons to be impressed as afore­said as they will answer such offence in Parliament; And all deputy Lieutenants, Majors, Bayliffs, Constables and all other inferior Officers, are hereby required and injoyned to be Aiding and Assisting, from time to time the persons Authorized by this Ordinance, according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Provided, alwayes that this Ordinance shall not extend, to the pressing of any Master or Masters-mate, Gunner, Carpenter, or Boate­swaine of any Ship or Vessell that is or shall be in imployment.

Die Veneris 3. Febuary 4. 1642.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance shall be forthwith Printed and published.

J. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

London, Printed for I. Wright in the Old baily, Febuary, 4. 1642.

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